Hieff NGS™ DNA Library Prep Primer Mix for Illumina is a special kit designed for DNA library preparation of Illumina platforms, using with Hieff NGS™ Ultima Pro DNA Library Prep Kit (Cat#12197)or Hieff NGS™ OnePot Pro DNA Library Prep Kit(Cat#12195)and Complete Adapter for Illumina (Cat#13519-13520 or other equivalent products). All the reagents provided in the kit are subjected to strict quality control and functional verification to ensure the stability and repeatability of the library preparation.
Hieff NGS™ DNA Library Prep Primer Mix for Illumina is recommended for use with the YEASEN library construction
kits listed below:
Hieff NGS™ Ultima Pro DNA Library Prep Kit
Hieff NGS™ OnePot Pro DNA Library Prep Kit
Complete Adapter for Illumina
Library - DNA Library
DNA input - 100 pg - 1 μg
Time for library preparation - ~3h
Sequencing platforms - Illumina Platforms
Applications - Whole genome shotgun sequencing, targeted sequencing by solution hybrid selection