Have you used normal motorized bed for your clinic ? Here is the most optimized table for Korean medicine treatment. Carbon heating, IR ramp, heating can be used simultaneously and the tabletop can be also separate from the frame. Based on hundreds of feedback from Korean medicine doctors, OMS full optioned table made it superior to any other tables on the market
The most optimized system tablen
Manufactured based on clinical data
High quality materials used
The X-type frame provides solid and stable movement
Doctor-centred system
Easy remote controller and control panel
Space efficiency
All in one package, no need to set up other parts
IR, carbon heating, IR ramp and heating can be used simultaneously
Carbon heating·IR ramp·Control Box·Remote controller·Foot pedal
Designed for user-friendly system, the most optimized Korean medicine system table OMS full optioned
Carbon heating
Carbon heating is used through charcoal process. The heating temperature can be adjusted from 0 to 37 degrees, which is the optimized for muscle relaxation.
IR ramp
The essential IR ramp and side rails are equipped with the table as package. The IR ramp can be moved laterally.
Control panel
A remote controller and control panel are provided for the table and both units can adjust elevation, heating and timer features. Additional plug is equipped at the front of the panel. The foot pedal also provides one-touch height adjustment easily.
The elevation speed is faster than other 01M tables about 30%. The one-touch elevation and memory system ensure user convenience.