The YSI 900 Free and Total chlorine colorimeter is ideal for any application. This portable instrument allows you to easily take readings directly in the field or lab.
The 900 colorimeter is a rugged, waterproof, single parameter instrument for the measurement of Total chlorine or Free chlorine. Whether you need to measure chlorine in wastewater, chlorine in groundwater, or in pools, this chlorine tester is waterproof with an easy to read display and will provide readings in minutes.
Already measuring chlorine? Receive 20 free packets of DPD Free Chlorine or DPD Total Chlorine! Get your free samples. You might also be interested in learning more about our trade in program currently going on (U.S. only). Or, if you prefer to buy from one of our dealers, take advantage of our rebate program!
The instrument features a real time clock, automatic data logging as well as the ability to export data to a PC or printer using the 900 Series Data Hub for infrared data transfer.
Features for the 900 to quickly and accurately measure Free or Total Chlorine include:
Automatic data storage; 16 data-sets with date and time stamp
Large, backlit LCD display
IP68 waterproof case; easy to hold or set on benchtop; floats
Innovative light shield avoids moving parts or separate pieces that can easily be broken or lost
User-calibration to any government or organizational standard (for example N.I.S.T. or ISO)
Resolution can be improved for specific range requirements
Known interferences can be adjusted for the sample
Auto shutoff extends battery life
2-year warranty