Precision and accuracy are a must in pH measurements in the laboratory. From stand-alone pH measurements on a benchtop laboratory meter to titrations, pH electrodes are essential in most wet chemistry laboratories.
- High-performance membrane glass
- 3 mol/l KCl liquid electrolyte
- Easy to clean glass shaft
- Platinum wire junction
- Built in temperature sensor (NTC 10 kOhm)
- BlueLine 15 pH NTC10: 1 m fixed cable with BNC plug and phone plug
BlueLine combination electrode for TitroLine® 5000, TitroLine® 7000, TitroLine® 7500 KF, and TitroLine® 7800.
Featuring a glass shaft, platinum junction, electrolyte KCl 3 mol/l, Ag/AgCl-reference system, temp.-sensor NTC 30 kOhm, cone membrane, A-glass, 1 m fixed cable with BNC- +4-mm banana plug, length 120 mm, 12 mm Ø, -5...+100° C, 0...14 pH
BlueLine 15 pH - BlueLine combination electrode, Glass shaft, platinum junction, electrolyte KCl 3 mol/l, Ag/AgCl-reference system, temp.-sensor NTC 30 kOhm, cone membrane, A-glass, 1 m fixed cable with BNC- +4-mm banana plug, length 120 mm, 12 mm Ø, -5...+100° C, 0...14 pH
BlueLine 15 pH NTC10 - BlueLine combination electrode, Glass shaft, platinum junction, electrolyte KCl 3 mol/l, Ag/AgCl-reference system, temp.-sensor NTC 10 kOhm, cone membrane, A-glass, 1 m fixed cable with BNC- + phone plug, length 120 mm, 12 mm Ø, -5...+100° C, 0...14 pH