In 1883., Paul Ehrlich performed the first liver aspiration biopsy. Afterwards the technique has been applied also to other organs to determine the nature of the collected cells (inflammation, infection, tumor). Nowdays the most common cytological needle is "Chiba needle", which has been developed around the year 1966. by Kunio Okuda and his Chiba University assistants to perform a percutaneous cholangiography. The same kind of needle is used to perform prenatal diagnosis procedures.
Prenatal Chorial Villi examination needle. Depth marks on the cannula, depth stopper. Removable stylets perfectly coupled with needle points. Echogenic marker: inner
The procedure described is for guidance only. Each physician must, of course, evaluate the appropriateness of the procedure based on their clinical training and experience and the type of procedure to be performed. The needle must be used only once.
1. Inspect the package for damage and expiration date.
2. Examine the device for signs of damage.
3. Check that the product corresponds to the needle to be used.
4. Prep the patient in the standard and customary way for the procedure to be performed.