High-heeled shoes, physical activity and an active rhythm of life lead to swelling of the legs, chronic fatigue, pain in the knees and legs, and also give rise to problems with the spine, back and immune system. The solution to these problems will be the ZET-762 Foot Massager, based on the technique of roller-compression massage. The use of a massager for at least 15 minutes a day will significantly improve your well-being: it will help your muscles relax, get rid of joint pain and swelling, and become a guarantee of energy. A well-known fact is that there are a large number of reflex points on the legs and feet, the massage of which will positively affect the body as a whole. We recommend buying a roller foot massager ZENET ZET-762 and enjoy a wellness massage!
It is possible at the same time to use roller and compression massage movements, there are also programs for the separate use of roller and compression types of massage. The function of an infrared lamp is also connected, which imitates the warmth of the massage therapist's hands. The user can adjust the strength of massage movements (there are three levels of intensity of massage programs).
nice roller massage
compression massage
kneading massage
stop warming up