How the lower back procedure works
Contained disc herniation causing pain and pressure on the nerve root.
Initial entry : A small needle is guided into the symptomatic disc through a small incision in the skin.
Decompression : A patented device is inserted through the needle, into the disc, removing excess tissue.
Post operative Restored disc with treated herniation which may relieve symptoms.
Benefits of RF Disc Decompression
Minimally invasive
Anesthesia requirements are minimal
Outpatient procedure
No overnight hospitalization required
Lasts from 1-2 hours
Rapid recovery time
Patients go home the same day of treatment
Quick symptom relief within two weeks for most patients
Herniated nucleus pulposus (Including bulging or protrusion morphologies)
Discogenic pain
Contained disc herniations
1.45 - mm
0.8 mm