The new level of desktop scanning
Desktop scanning reaches a new level of development with the Zfx™ Evolution NEXT. In the interests of easy handling the Zfx™ Evolution NEXT has no door, and needs little space thanks to its compact design. The generous scanning area even enables articulated 3D models to be digitized (360° articulator scan).
The digital stripe-light scanner projects customized stripe patterns on the object to be scanned using a visible high-speed LED. The projector operates silently based on FULL HD-DLP technology (Digital Light Processing). Two color cameras with a resolution of 2,048 x 1,536 pixels ensure high scanning quality. The Open Scan technology enables data to be output in PLY and standardized STL formats which are also compatible with additive manufacturing processes (ready for 3D printing).
The Zfx™ Evolution NEXT is therefore the ideal partner for everyday laboratory tasks – precise, fast, cost-effective.
2 color cameras with high resolution: 2,048 x 1,536 pixels
Silent projector with innovative FULL HD-DLP technology (Digital Light Processing)
Axis system with position control for high-speed / high-accuracy positioning
Digital stripe light technology; stripe pattern individualized by scan order with visible high-speed LED
Reduced calculation time due to direct and simultaneous processing of image acquisitions
Open scan technology: export to .ply (color) and .stl file format
360° articulator scan
Additional Features
Open-Scan-Technology: open and compact architecture (without a door)
Status LED
Ready for 3D Printing: Compatible stl-data for additive manufacturing