Neuromuscular electrical stimulator is the 3rd generation technology to prevent and treat thrombosis. It uses neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) technology to stimulate the common peroneal nerve, which stimulates the neuromuscular to contract continuously and rhythmically, promotes the flexion of the ankle joint, and enables the muscles to actively pump blood to improve the blood supply of the veins, arteries and microcirculation of the lower extremities. At the same time, NMES has a fibrinolytic effect and can have a synergistic effect with heparin. And it does not affect the user's blood pressure and heart rate.
1. Prevent thrombosis
Prevent venous thrombosis after lower extremity surgery
Prevent thrombosis caused by long-time sitting and standing
Prevent thrombosis caused by prolonged lying
2. Reducing edema
Remission of post-operative edema
Remission and prevention of pathological lower extremity edema
Reducing and preventing sports sprain and edema
3. Promote healing
Promote the healing of diabetic foot ulcers
Promote healing of venous ulcers
Promote wound healing