Clinicians around the globe have counted on the Puros family of allografts for hard- and soft-tissue augmentation procedures for years.
The Natural Choice for Soft-Tissue Augmentation
Versatile Soft-Tissue Augmentation
Utilized for both horizontal and vertical soft-tissue augmentation and guided tissue regeneration procedures
Natural Regeneration
Retains the natural collagen matrix, content, and mechanical properties of native dermis
Sterilized using the proprietary Tutoplast® process with excellent handling, rapid hydration
The proprietary Tutoplast process
assures the highest standard of tissue safety and quality4
For over 40 years, Tutoplast processed tissues have been safely used in more than five million procedures.4
The Benefits Of The Multi-Step Tutoplast Process For Puros Particulate Bone Graft
The process preserves the valuable minerals in bone (minerals don’t apply to soft tissues), collagen matrix and tissue integrity while inactivating pathogens and gently removing unwanted materials, such as cells, antigens and viruses8—resulting in predictable, reliable and sterile allografts.
Features & Benefits
Reduces morbidity and saves valuable chair time by eliminating the need to harvest an autogenous graft
Provides a healing environment and acts as a guide for the regeneration of vital soft-tissue
Exhibits multi-directional strength2 and adaptability to surface contours
Maintains space to allow for angiogenesis and tissue remodeling, and increases the volume of attached gingiva and connective tissue