The High Energy Inductive Treatment with Z Tone is performed using electromagnetic pulses and is able to contract the muscles.
Electromagnetic fields can penetrate cells, tissues, organs and bones without deformation or loss, activate the electrochemistry of tissues and improve the function of cells and cell membranes. The magnetic field consequently stimulates nerve cells, muscles and blood vessels.
Meet the next generation of Body Toning
Z Tone enables the user to select one of 3 desired training levels for each region appropriately for the patient.
Z Tone has two applicators of the same size. Both applicators can be individually controlled and operated. This feature allows the user to treat two different regions with different intensities at the same time. The device also offers the option of connecting the applicators and operating them at the same intensity.
Performance and Design taken right to the edge
Z Tone has two applicators of the same size. Both applicators are used at the same time with identical application parameters or separately from each other.
All relevant treatment parameters can be set, saved and adjusted with a few clicks. Z Tone allows treatment with two different intensities at the same time. For example, the left and right biceps can be treated with different intensities without any problems.
The use of a single applicator is also possible.