Carborundum Infrared Light Source is combinated light housing and power supply(LSP-T200).It has high Luminous efficiency,
small Luminous area, collect easily;donot need water cooling and it is very convenient for application , the life time is 2000hours.
Light housing specification
Power: :≥40W
Spectral Range: 1-14μm(1-16μm)
Luminous size: 4mm×15mm
Current :6A
Temperature of Silicon carbide: 900-1200℃
The life time of Silicon carbide:2000hours
The optical center height of optical port: 128~168mm
Steady current and volgae specification of LSP-T200
Power: 200 W
Current : 0-10 A
Volage: 0-20 V
Current stability:<0.1%
Volage stability:<0.1%
Power supply: AC220V±10%