AGA hospital screens

1 company | 8 products
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folding hospital screen
folding hospital screen

Height: 1,652 mm
Length: 1,690 mm
Weight: 11.6 kg

Medical screens are also known as room dividers, privacy screens, movable or folding walls or as folding systems. The medical screens from AGA Sanitätsartikel ...

See the other products
AGA Sanitätsartikel
folding hospital screen
folding hospital screen

Height: 1,652 mm
Length: 1,130 mm
Weight: 7.7 kg

Medical screens are also known as room dividers, privacy screens, movable or folding walls or as folding systems. The medical screens from AGA Sanitätsartikel ...

See the other products
AGA Sanitätsartikel
folding hospital screen
folding hospital screen

Height: 1,652 mm
Length: 2,250 mm
Weight: 15.5 kg

Medical screens are also known as room dividers, privacy screens, movable or folding walls or as folding systems. The medical screens from AGA Sanitätsartikel ...

See the other products
AGA Sanitätsartikel
mobile hospital screen
mobile hospital screen

Height: 1,652 mm
Length: 2,810 mm
Weight: 19.4 kg

Medical screens are also known as room dividers, privacy screens, movable or folding walls or as folding systems. The medical screens from AGA Sanitätsartikel ...

See the other products
AGA Sanitätsartikel
folding hospital screen
folding hospital screen

Height: 1,745 mm
Length: 1,130, 1,410 mm
Weight: 8.7, 11.4 kg

The medical screens on castors from AGA Sanitätsartikel can be used as versatile screens that can be used anywhere or as wall-mounted screens that can be pulled out or ...

See the other products
AGA Sanitätsartikel
folding hospital screen
folding hospital screen

Height: 1,745 mm
Length: 1,690, 1,970 mm
Weight: 12.7, 15.4 kg

The medical screens on castors from AGA Sanitätsartikel can be used as versatile screens that can be used anywhere or as wall-mounted screens that can be pulled out or ...

See the other products
AGA Sanitätsartikel
folding hospital screen
folding hospital screen

Height: 1,745 mm
Length: 2,250, 2,530 mm
Weight: 16.7, 19.4 kg

The medical screens on castors from AGA Sanitätsartikel can be used as versatile screens that can be used anywhere or as wall-mounted screens that can be pulled out or ...

See the other products
AGA Sanitätsartikel
mobile hospital screen
mobile hospital screen

Height: 1,745 mm
Length: 2,810, 3,090 mm
Weight: 20.7, 23.4 kg

The medical screens on castors from AGA Sanitätsartikel can be used as versatile screens that can be used anywhere or as wall-mounted screens that can be pulled out or ...

See the other products
AGA Sanitätsartikel
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