Contec Medical vibrating mesh nebulizers

1 company | 6 products
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vibrating mesh nebulizer
vibrating mesh nebulizer

The device forms nebulizing effect by the following actions, the high-frequency vibration of piezoelectric ceramic piece leads to the deformation of micro plate, so that the liquid in contact with the micro plate is atomized. It is powered ...

See the other products
Contec Medical Systems
vibrating mesh nebulizer
vibrating mesh nebulizer

The device forms nebulizing effect by the following actions, the high-frequency vibration of piezoelectric ceramic piece leads to the deformation of micro plate, so that the liquid in contact with the micro plate is atomized. It is powered ...

See the other products
Contec Medical Systems
vibrating mesh nebulizer
vibrating mesh nebulizer

The device forms nebulizing effect by the following actions, the high-frequency vibration of piezoelectric ceramic piece leads to the deformation of micro plate, so that the liquid in contact with the micro plate is atomized. It is powered ...

See the other products
Contec Medical Systems
vibrating mesh nebulizer
vibrating mesh nebulizer

The device forms nebulizing effect by the following actions, the high-frequency vibration of piezoelectric ceramic piece leads to the deformation of micro plate, so that the liquid in contact with the micro plate is atomized. It is powered ...

See the other products
Contec Medical Systems
vibrating mesh nebulizer
vibrating mesh nebulizer

The Mesh Nebulizer forms nebulizing effect by the following actions, the high-frequency vibration of piezoelectric ceramic piece leads to the deformation of micro plate, so that the liquid in contact ...

See the other products
Contec Medical Systems
vibrating mesh nebulizer
vibrating mesh nebulizer

Introduction The Mesh Nebulizer forms nebulizing effect by the following actions, the high-frequency vibration of piezoelectric ceramic piece leads to the deformation of micro plate, so that the liquid ...

See the other products
Contec Medical Systems
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