Erler-Zimmer leg anatomical models

1 company | 12 products
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pelvis anatomy model
pelvis anatomy model

Natural casting of a human leg. Can be dismantled into femur, tibia, fibula and foot. With removable half pelvis. With marking of the muscle origins and insertion points.

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skeleton model
skeleton model

Natural casting of a human leg. Can be dismantled into femur, tibia, fibula and foot. With marking of the muscle origins and insertion points. Model as 6070, but without half pelvis.

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skeleton model
skeleton model

Natural casting of a human leg. Can be dismantled into femur, tibia, fibula and foot. With removable half pelvis.

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skeleton model
skeleton model

Natural casting of a human leg. Can be dismantled into femur, tibia, fibula and foot. Model as 6068, but without half pelvis.

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skeleton model
skeleton model

Natural casting of a human foot mobile mounted on wire. With tibia and fibula insertion. Without stand.

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muscle model
muscle model

Length: 103 cm
Width: 19 cm
Height: 17 cm

This life size model shows the musculature oft he human leg in detail. It shows superficial and deep muscle structures, vessels, nerves and ligaments. The model shows foot, lower and ...

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leg anatomical model
leg anatomical model

This 3D printed specimen preserves the distal thigh and proximal leg, dissected posteriorly to demonstrate the contents of the popliteal fossa and surrounding region. Detailed anatomical description on request.

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leg anatomical model
leg anatomical model

... proximal to the knee joint and complete through a partially dissected foot exposing the structures on the dorsum. Detailed anatomical description on request.

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leg anatomical model
leg anatomical model

... venous structures of the leg including the dorsal venous plexus, great saphenous vein (including numerous tributaries), and the small saphenous vein (including numerous tributaries) on the crural fascia. Detailed anatomical ...

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leg anatomical model
leg anatomical model

This 3D printed specimen represents the remainder of the lower limb portions of our male abdominopelvic and proximal thigh specimen (MP1765), sectioned proximally near midthigh and continuous to the partially dissected foot. The transverse ...

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