Erler-Zimmer silicone simulators

1 company | 7 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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training simulator
training simulator

onoscopy Simulator is a training model for practicing colonoscopy insertion. The simulator is made of special silicone rubber that feels like a living body in the observation field. The ...

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puncture simulator
puncture simulator

... flashback upon successful vein puncture, providing immediate feedback to users. The arm is made of durable, yet realistic soft silicone to withstand repeated use and ensure longevity in training environments. It is flexible ...

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wound management simulator
wound management simulator

This moulage is made of silicone and shows a stab wound in the groin area. The stab wound is so deep that wound packing can be practiced with appropriate materials. The moulage is self-adhesive to dolls or human skin. ...

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wound management simulator
wound management simulator

This moulage is made of silicone and shows a gunshot wound in the groin area. The gunshot wound is so deep that wound packing can be practiced with appropriate materials. The moulage is self-adhesive to dolls or human ...

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training simulator
training simulator

... Packing Simulator is ideal for emergency training and the simulation patient program. Shown is a realistic bullet wound with bleeding function caused by a large gun caliber, ideal for training the Wound Packing procedure. The ...

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rectal examination simulator
rectal examination simulator

... accurately assess canine genitourinary rectal exam. Learners can improve their skills and validate competency on a realistic silicone model well before attempting these skills on a real patient, thus improving confidence ...

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training simulator
training simulator

Our otoscopy simulator can be used to train how to correctly carry out an ear examination in dogs. The external auditory canal up to the eardrum is realistically reproduced. The ear canals were obtained from CT data. A ...

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