Erler-Zimmer upper body simulators

1 company | 17 products
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intravenous injection simulator
intravenous injection simulator

The high-quality Erler Zimmer injection arm offers a wide range of application possibilities for professional and realistic training of blood collection, ideally suited for the training and further education of medical personnel. The ...

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intravenous injection simulator
intravenous injection simulator

The injection model is intended to give the prospective physician and medical auxiliary staff the opportunity of practicing intravenous injection. The model consists of soft synthetic material with an exchangeable skin in addition to ...

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puncture simulator
puncture simulator

Our new injection training arm „Puncture Pete“ solves all the issues you might have with other arm. It offers a vast network of easily replaceable veins of varying depths, allowing for a range of difficulty levels in IV insertion practice. ...

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puncture simulator
puncture simulator

... normal IM injection trainer and as a subcutaneous injection trainer. The trainer can be buckled and then simulates a human upper arm. A simulated and easily palpable shoulder anatomy serves as a landmark for the puncture. ...

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puncture simulator
puncture simulator

Intraosseous access must be practiced. With Amy Arm, there is finally a training arm for intraosseous access into the humeral head. The inexpensive trainer is securely attached to a table with suction cups, the puncture pads are replaceable ...

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vascular access simulator
vascular access simulator

... access. Vascular Victor has both an implanted port system (central venous catheter) and an implanted peripheral port in the upper arm. Both ports are functional exercise ports. Vascular Victor also has a 3-lumen CVC, ...

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intravenous injection simulator
intravenous injection simulator

This life-size hand has a venous system that is filled with blood via tubes. The veins can be palpated and punctured, making it possible to learn and practise intravenous access. The model can be punctured many times before it needs to ...

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puncture simulator
puncture simulator

Life-size arm of an infant showing the veins for puncture. The veins can be palpated and are filled with blood via a tube system. Ideal for practising localization and injection. The veins can be punctured many times before the arm has ...

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puncture simulator
puncture simulator

Life-size head of an infant with representation of the head veins for puncture. The veins can be palpated and are filled with blood via a tube system. Ideal for practising localization and injection. The veins can be punctured many times ...

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medical imaging simulator
medical imaging simulator

... advanced ultrasound simulators from Erler-Zimmer take medical imaging to a new dimension. These ultrasound simulators offer true-to-detail, realistic images of human anatomy and enable practical training ...

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