Etac positioning cushions

1 company | 16 products
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leg positioning cushion
leg positioning cushion
LeanOnMe Chanel

The flexible channel-sewn cushion protects, supports, and relieves It can be rolled and shaped depending on the application. The cushion can be placed under the leg(s), between the legs, under the ...

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back positioning cushion
back positioning cushion
LeanOnMe Wing

... own weight holds the cushion in place. Then the back is supported precisely and is stable. The cushion can also be used for supine positioning to protect exposed body parts from pressure ...

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positioning cushion
positioning cushion
LeanOnMe Roll L

... anxiety as it provides good tactile stimulation. Roll L supine When used as a nest, it will have a pressure- and pain-relieving effect on the shoulders and will elevate the arms and hands. Roll ...

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head positioning cushion
head positioning cushion
LeanOnMe Ring M

The neck cushion is used to provide stable and relieving support when a normal pillow is not considered appropriate It is well suited for users suffering from Huntington’s disease, and others who develop occipital ...

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positioning cushion
positioning cushion
SitAssist Pro

The SitAssist Pro is a medical device for diagnostic procedures. It is designed to improve patient care and assist caregivers. The device is made of radiolucent material that is safe for imaging and MRI scans. It remains under the patient ...

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positioning cushion
positioning cushion

GlideCushion can be used to support independent movement or to aid assisted movement. GlideCushion is available in two variants; Immedia GlideCushion nylon top or Immedia GlideCushion cotton/polyester top, which can be combined with a ...

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seat cushion
seat cushion

... car seat. This minimizes strain and twisting of the feet, knees, hips and back. Features Minimizes strain The swivel cushions with low friction minimise strain on feet, knees, hips and back. Easier to get in and ...

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seat cushion
seat cushion

Immedia EasyTurn is a soft swivel cushion that makes it easier for the user to get in and out of a car or bed. EasyTurn is easy to apply and use.

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seat cushion
seat cushion

... used on a textile surface. Immedia OneWayGlide pad - a one layer pad with velour top suitable for use directly on a textile surface. OneWayGlide Long Immedia OneWayGlide Long is a long and open cushion ...

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seat cushion
seat cushion
IM2698121 SWAN

It is suitable for transfer between bed and wheelchair or in and out of a car and can be used independently or in combination with a transfer board.

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