Etac wheelchairs with headrest

1 company | 6 products
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manual wheelchair
manual wheelchair
R82 Cougar

Total length (cm): 780, 830 mm
Total width (cm): 570, 620, 670, 720 mm
Tare weight (kg): 25, 26, 27, 28 kg

The Cougar is a wheelchair for children and youngster which supports a correct posture and comfortable seating position. It is a practical wheelchair suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. It comes ...

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passive wheelchair
passive wheelchair
Convaid Rodeo

Total height (cm): 1,120, 1,090, 1,140 mm
Total length (cm): 775, 915, 890 mm
Total width (cm): 685, 635, 530, 585 mm

The Convaid Rodeo buggy offers up to 45° adjustable tilt and provides pressure relief and upper body support. The Convaid Rodeo is a tilt-in-space buggy that provides 12.7 cm of seat depth extension through its seat depth growth feature. ...

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passive wheelchair
passive wheelchair
Convaid EZ Rider

Total height (cm): 978, 1,016, 940, 965 mm
Total length (cm): 914, 953, 1,105, 1,219 mm
Total width (cm): 584, 660, 546 mm

The Convaid EZ Rider is a 10° fixed-tilt buggy that provides upright posture to enhance functional positioning. The Convaid EZ Rider is a popular upright pediatric buggy that is convenient, lightweight, and compact folding. The EZ ...

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electric wheelchair
electric wheelchair

Total width (cm): 590 mm - 740 mm
Tare weight (kg): 33, 33.3, 33.6, 33.9 kg
Max supported weight (kg): 135 kg

When individuals can no longer sit upright in a standard wheelchair, a tilt and recline wheelchair is often used to provide additional support to improve comfort and sitting tolerance. However, this can ...

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manual wheelchair
manual wheelchair

Total width (cm): 590, 640, 690, 740 mm
Tare weight (kg): 34.1, 34.4, 33.5, 33.8 kg
Max supported weight (kg): 135 kg

... gradually fade away. It is important to take advantage of all activation possibilities. Etac Prio is the only multifunctional wheelchair that offers a dynamic pelvic support. A support that deactivates while resting and ...

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active wheelchair
active wheelchair
Prio 3A

Total width (cm): 590 mm - 740 mm
Tare weight (kg): 33.9, 33.6, 33.3, 33 kg
Max supported weight (kg): 135 kg

Moving from a medium active wheelchair to a Prio in an active setup provides a step increase in support. While a well-balanced frame, a medium height back support, and limited tilt all unlock potential independent activity. ...

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