Famed universal operating tables

1 company | 7 products
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neurosurgery operating table
neurosurgery operating table

... • 2200 mm tabletop for comfortable placement of tall patients; • Joystick allows quick change of the tabletop position; • The motors allow tabletop movement also during tilts; • ...

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Famed Żywiec
universal operating table
universal operating table

... imaging area - 1950 mm (in total); • Combination of carbon fiber tabletop and 410 mm longitudinal shift allows intraoperative imaging and high image quality; • Automatic recognition of the table orientation; • ...

See the other products
Famed Żywiec
universal operating table
universal operating table
Famed OPTIMA (5.15) (5.20)

... high-end material in operating tables. MEDICAL IMAGING A motorized longitudinal shift will allow you to position the tabletop in correspondence with your needs. Adapting a correct ...

See the other products
Famed Żywiec
universal operating table
universal operating table

... FUNCTIONS Operating table with a mobile base, made of high quality acid-resistant stainless steel. Remote control is available for the following functions: table top height, lateral tilt, ...

See the other products
Famed Żywiec
universal operating table
universal operating table

... healthcare facilities, field hospitals or military bases. RELIABILITY AND SECURITY Famed SU-02 operating table combines simplicity with advanced patient adjustment options. The lack ...

See the other products
Famed Żywiec
universal operating table
universal operating table

SU-14 operating table combines the features of an operating table and patient transfer trolley. It is functional, comfortable and economical. The incorporated space for ...

See the other products
Famed Żywiec
universal operating table
universal operating table
Famed OPTIMA (5.9, 5.12)

... and a very good parameter of the tabletop translucency or longitudinal shift. The electric control makes operation easier and reduces the time of the procedure. UNIVERSAL AND CONFIGURABLE • ...

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Famed Żywiec
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