Fujirebio assayed reagents

1 company | 13 products
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solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit
Lumipulse® G

These controls are intended for use as an assayed quality control to monitor the precision and accuracy of laboratory testing procedures for the analysis of pTau 181 in plasma on the automated LUMIPULSE G System. This ...

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solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

AMH Control is intended for use as an assayed control material to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analysis of Anti Müllerian Hormone (AMH) with the LUMIPULSE G System.

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solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

use as an assayed quality control serum to monitor the accuracy of laboratory testing for neuron specific enolase (NSE), S100B protein and squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA). The use of a quality control serum ...

See the other products
solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit
Lumipulse® B.R.A.H.M.S

These controls are intended for use as an assayed control material to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analysis of procalcitonin on the LUMIPULSE G Systems.

See the other products
solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit
Lumipulse® G

These controls are intended for use as an assayed quality control to monitor the precision and accuracy of laboratory testing procedures for the analysis of β-amyloid in plasma on the automated LUMIPULSE G System.

See the other products
solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

These controls are intended for use as an assayed control material to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analysis of HBcrAg using LUMIPULSE G Systems.

See the other products
solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

This control is intended for use as an assayed control serum to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analysis of PIVKA-II and KL-6 using LUMIPULSE Systems.

See the other products
solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

These controls are intended for use as an assayed quality control to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analysis of pTau using LUMIPULSE G Systems.

See the other products
solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

These controls are intended for use as an assayed quality control to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analysis of whole (1-84) PTH on the LUMIPULSE G Systems.

See the other products
solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

These controls are intended for use as an assayed quality control to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analysis of total Tau using LUMIPULSE G Systems.

See the other products
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