Fujirebio reagents

1 company | 31 products
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monoclonal antibody
monoclonal antibody

α-Fetoprotein (AFP), the foetal equivalent to albumin, is a 67 kDa glycoprotein produced during embryonic development and found in high concentrations in foetal serum and amniotic fluid. In normal nonpregnant adults, AFP is present in ...

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monoclonal antibody
monoclonal antibody

CA125 is a high molecular weight mucin-type glycoprotein, originally defined by the Oc125 monoclonal antibody (MAb) established by Bast et al.1. Different epitopes, co-expressed with the Oc125 epitope on the CA125 antigen, have been used ...

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monoclonal antibody
monoclonal antibody

The MUC 1 antigen is a membrane-anchored, mucin-type glycoprotein present in malignant and normal epithelial cells of certain organs (ie, breast, lung, ovary, pancreas, and colon)1. The apoprotein of the MUC 1 mucin contains a transmembrane ...

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monoclonal antibody
monoclonal antibody

The CanAg CA19-9 EIA is based on a mouse monoclonal antibody, C192, highly specific for the sialyl Lewisa epitope, also known as CA19-9 antigen1. In adults, the epitope is typically expressed in trace amounts on mucosal cells of gastrointestinal ...

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monoclonal antibody
monoclonal antibody

The tumor marker CA242™ is defined by the monoclonal antibody C242™. The chemical structure of the antigenic determinant is not exactly known, but the determinant has been shown to be a sialylated carbohydrate structure. In serum, CA242™ ...

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monoclonal antibody
monoclonal antibody

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a glycoprotein, which was first identified in patients with colon carcinoma and in epithelial tumors of endodermal origin (gastrointestinal tract) by Gold and Freedman1. The CEA molecule is quite heterogeneous ...

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free PSA reagent
free PSA reagent

PSA is a 32 kDa single chain glycoprotein serine protease with a chymotrypsin like specificity produced by the secretory epithelium of the prostate gland1. PSA is normally secreted into the seminal fluid and plays a functional role in ...

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serum reagent
serum reagent
CanAg® ProGRP

GRP (Gastrin Releasing Peptide) is a hormone that is secreted from Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) cells. Although detection of serum GRP has been expected to be useful for diagnosis of SCLC, determination of serum GRP has not been feasible ...

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PSA reagent
PSA reagent

PSA is a 32 kDa single-chain, glycoprotein serine protease with a chymotrypsin-like specificity produced by the secretory epithelium of the prostate gland1. PSA is normally secreted into the seminal fluid and plays a functional role in ...

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CanAg® SCC

Squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC ag) is a group of glycoproteins with molecular weight ~45 kDa, belonging to the family of serine/cysteineprotease inhibitors1. The protein was originally isolated by Kato and coworkers from human squamous ...

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