Gaumard ostomy care patient simulators

1 company | 6 products
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auscultation patient simulator
auscultation patient simulator
Super CHLOE™ S222.100.250

... feedback, virtual patient monitor support, and debriefing tools. Super Chloe is an adult manikin designed for training general nursing clinical skills, including IV training, CPR, heart/lung auscultation, ...

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auscultation patient simulator
auscultation patient simulator
Super CHLOE™ S222.100

Super CHLOE™ S222.100 is a full-body, adult patient simulator designed for general nursing clinical skills training including IV training, CPR, heart/lung auscultation, blood pressure ...

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palpation patient simulator
palpation patient simulator
Code Blue® S304

The Code Blue® S304 is a full-body, adult-sized patient simulator designed for the hands-on training of general nursing and BLS skills, including ostomy care, ...

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tracheostomy patient simulator
tracheostomy patient simulator
Simon® S201

... Susie Simon® Nursing Patient Care Simulator with Ostomy is an adult manikin designed to help participants practice and develop general nursing ...

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catheterization patient simulator
catheterization patient simulator
S200 Susie Simon®

The S200 Susie Simon® Patient Care Simulator is an adult manikin designed for the simulation-based training of general nursing clinical skills, including IV training, ...

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catheterization patient simulator
catheterization patient simulator

The S107 is a full-body newborn patient simulator designed to help participants practice nursing care and resuscitation skills, including CPR, ostomy ...

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