Geratherm waterproof thermometers

1 company | 7 products
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fever thermometer
fever thermometer
Geratherm® classic

Temperature range: 35.5 °C - 42 °C
Measurement duration: 4 min

... performed and supervised by an adult. The glass thermometers have a far-reaching tradition and analog thermometers have long been the method of choice for measuring body temperature. However, glass ...

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Geratherm Medical AG
fever thermometer
fever thermometer
Geratherm® classic+

Temperature range: 35.5 °C - 42 °C
Measurement duration: 4 min

... long tradition and analog thermometers have long been the method of choice for measuring body temperature. However, glass thermometers still offer some decisive advantages today. Thanks to the closed ...

See the other products
Geratherm Medical AG
fever thermometer
fever thermometer
Geratherm® rapid

Temperature range: 32 °C - 43.9 °C
Measurement duration: 9, 15 s

The digital clinical thermometer Geratherm® rapid offers not only a quick measurement but also a flexible tip and a gold-plated sensor. The result is easy to read on the large display. Speed The digital thermometer ...

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Geratherm Medical AG
fever thermometer
fever thermometer
Geratherm® flex

Temperature range: 32 °C - 43.9 °C
Measurement duration: 60 s

With the digital rod thermometer Geratherm® flex you can measure the temperature particularly comfortably thanks to the flexible tip. The result can then be easily read on the large display. Flexible Tip The digital ...

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Geratherm Medical AG
fever thermometer
fever thermometer
Geratherm® clinic

Temperature range: 32 °C - 43.9 °C
Measurement duration: 30, 90 s

... for special applications. Waterproof The thermometer can be completely submerged under water for a short time and can also be washed under running water, for example. Battery Change The battery ...

See the other products
Geratherm Medical AG
fever thermometer
fever thermometer
Geratherm® color

Temperature range: 32 °C - 43.9 °C
Measurement duration: 30 s

... digital thermometer is available in five colours, so each family member can have their own thermometer. Clearly recognizable who owns the thermometer, cross-infections within the family ...

See the other products
Geratherm Medical AG
fever thermometer
fever thermometer
Geratherm® basal

Temperature range: 35.6 °C - 38.4 °C

... before getting up. In contrast to the Geratherm® classic, the basal thermometer has a more precise scale, which is accurate to two decimal places. Sustainability The basal thermometer is made exclusively ...

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Geratherm Medical AG
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