HERMLE swing-out centrifuges

1 company | 8 products
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laboratory centrifuge
laboratory centrifuge
Z 287 A

Speed: 200 rpm - 14,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 16,058 unit
Weight: 18 kg

The centrifuge Z 287 A is a real all-rounder! Provided with eleven different rotors, this unit covers the most common applications. No matter if angle, swingout, plate or hematocrit rotor you will ...

See the other products
Hermle Labortechnik
clinical centrifuge
clinical centrifuge
Z 307

Speed: 200 rpm - 14,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 18,624 unit
Noise level: 63 dB

... and high-speed fixed angle rotors for reaction vessels or centrifuge tubes up to 50 ml. Additionally, swing out rotors, which hold a volume of up to 4 x 200 ml can be used for tissue culture tubes and ...

See the other products
Hermle Labortechnik
laboratory centrifuge
laboratory centrifuge
Z 446

Speed: 200 rpm - 16,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 24,325 unit
Noise level: 65 dB

These high-volume centrifuges Z 446 and Z 446 K achieve a throughput of 68 x 15 ml conical tubes or 28 x 50 ml conical tubes at a max.RCF of 3434/4346 xg. If higher speeds are required, we also offer e.g. an angle ...

See the other products
Hermle Labortechnik
laboratory centrifuge
laboratory centrifuge
Z 446 K

Speed: 200 rpm - 16,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 26,328 unit
Noise level: 65 dB

These high-volume centrifuges Z 446 and Z 446 K achieve a throughput of 68 x 15 ml conical tubes or 28 x 50 ml conical tubes at a max.RCF of 3434/4346 xg. If higher speeds are required, we also offer e.g. an angle ...

See the other products
Hermle Labortechnik
laboratory centrifuge
laboratory centrifuge
Z 446

Speed: 200 rpm - 16,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 24,325 unit
Noise level: 65 dB

These high-volume centrifuges Z 446 and Z 446 K achieve a throughput of 68 x 15 ml conical tubes or 28 x 50 ml conical tubes at a max.RCF of 3434/4346 xg. If higher speeds are required, we also offer e.g. an angle ...

See the other products
Hermle Labortechnik
laboratory centrifuge
laboratory centrifuge
Z 446 K

Speed: 200 rpm - 16,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 26,328 unit
Noise level: 65 dB

These high-volume centrifuges Z 446 and Z 446 K achieve a throughput of 68 x 15 ml conical tubes or 28 x 50 ml conical tubes at a max.RCF of 3434/4346 xg. If higher speeds are required, we also offer e.g. an angle ...

See the other products
Hermle Labortechnik
medical centrifuge
medical centrifuge
ZK 496

Speed: 200 rpm - 10,500 rpm
RCF max (g): 16,022 unit
Weight: 157, 190 kg

The ZK 496 is a large volume floor-standing centrifuge, which is also available as a space - saving underbench model. Both models are provided with a powerful cooling system to keep your samples cool. Its huge volume ...

See the other products
Hermle Labortechnik
laboratory centrifuge
laboratory centrifuge

Speed: 200 rpm - 3,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 2,213 unit
Noise level: 55 dB

As a compact table top unit, the OLEUM centrifuge is used for oil test methods. Therefore, water content in the mineral oil is examinated. The OLEUM centrifuge comes with a four place swing ...

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Hermle Labortechnik
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