Kern & Sohn dark field microscopes

1 company | 3 products
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optical microscope
optical microscope
OBE 121

Magnification: 10 unit
Weight: 4.6 kg
Length: 360 mm

The KERN OBE 121 stands out through its exclusive, dynamic device, which is second to none in terms of sturdy construction and ergonomics. The clever storage compartment on the back will enables quick practical storage for your power ...

optical microscope
optical microscope
OBE 131

Magnification: 10 unit
Weight: 4.6 kg
Length: 360 mm

... imbattables. Le compartiment de rangement pratique à l’arrière permet d’escamoter rapidement le câble d’alimentation. Le microscope peut aussi être alimenté par externe une batterie externe grâce au port USB La LED de ...

optical microscope
optical microscope
OBE 134

Magnification: 10 unit
Weight: 4.6 kg
Length: 360 mm

The KERN OBE 134 stands out through its exclusive, dynamic device, which is second to none in terms of sturdy construction and ergonomics. The clever storage compartment on the back will enables quick practical storage for your power ...

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