PHC Europe microplates

1 company | 11 products
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fluorescence microplate
fluorescence microplate

PHC Europe BV provides superior quality three-dimensional cell culture platforms with a variety of well shapes to enable spheroid culturing of your specific cell type. PrimeSurface® cell culture labware are ultra low attachment (ULA) ...

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PHC Europe B.V. / PHCbi
fluorescence microplate
fluorescence microplate

PrimeSurface cell culture labware are ultra low attachment (ULA) dishes and plates that promote scaffold free, self assembly of spheroid formation. The plates are pre-coated with unique ultra hydrophilic polymer that enables spontaneous ...

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PHC Europe B.V. / PHCbi
fluorescence microplate
fluorescence microplate
rimeSurface® 96U

PrimeSurface cell culture labware are ultra low attachment (ULA) dishes and plates that promote scaffold free, self assembly of spheroid formation. The plates are pre-coated with unique ultra hydrophilic polymer that enables spontaneous ...

See the other products
PHC Europe B.V. / PHCbi
fluorescence microplate
fluorescence microplate
PrimeSurface® 96V

PrimeSurface cell culture labware are ultra low attachment (ULA) dishes and plates that promote scaffold free, self assembly of spheroid formation. The plates are pre-coated with unique ultra hydrophilic polymer that enables spontaneous ...

See the other products
PHC Europe B.V. / PHCbi
fluorescence microplate
fluorescence microplate
PrimeSurface® 96U

PrimeSurface cell culture labware are ultra low attachment (ULA) dishes and plates that promote scaffold free, self assembly of spheroid formation. The plates are pre-coated with unique ultra hydrophilic polymer that enables spontaneous ...

See the other products
PHC Europe B.V. / PHCbi
fluorescence microplate
fluorescence microplate
384U- MS-9384UZ

PrimeSurface cell culture labware are ultra low attachment (ULA) dishes and plates that promote scaffold free, self assembly of spheroid formation. The plates are pre-coated with unique ultra hydrophilic polymer that enables spontaneous ...

See the other products
PHC Europe B.V. / PHCbi
fluorescence microplate
fluorescence microplate
PrimeSurface® 384U

PrimeSurface cell culture labware are ultra low attachment (ULA) dishes and plates that promote scaffold free, self assembly of spheroid formation. The plates are pre-coated with unique ultra hydrophilic polymer that enables spontaneous ...

See the other products
PHC Europe B.V. / PHCbi
laboratory microplate
laboratory microplate
PrimeSurface® 96U

PHC Europe BV is offering a new slit-well, ultra-low attachment 3D plate to facilitate easy handling of media exchange without disrupting spheroid formation Cell culturing involves frequent media replacement to provide nutrition to ...

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PHC Europe B.V. / PHCbi
microbiology microplate
microbiology microplate

When biological samples are incubated or stored in a standard tube or plate, biological materials and its properties can be lost due to adsorption to the plastic surface. This is a serious concern for researchers working with precious ...

See the other products
PHC Europe B.V. / PHCbi
microbiology microplate
microbiology microplate

When biological samples are incubated or stored in a standard tube or plate, biological materials and its properties can be lost due to adsorption to the plastic surface. This is a serious concern for researchers working with precious ...

See the other products
PHC Europe B.V. / PHCbi
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