Roche enzymes reagents

1 company | 13 products
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enzyme reagent kit
enzyme reagent kit

Storage temperature: -20 °C

Improved tolerance to PCR inhibitors results in higher success rates and streamlined workflows with common E. coli and S. cerevisiae strains* Improved resistance to many inhibitors commonly found in crude samples—such as denatured ...

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Roche Sequencing Solutions
DNA polymerase reagent kit
DNA polymerase reagent kit

Storage temperature: -20 °C

Increased specific activity and processivity, formulated for highly sensitive and uniform multiplex amplification*

See the other products
Roche Sequencing Solutions
DNA polymerase reagent kit
DNA polymerase reagent kit

Storage temperature: -20 °C

Amplification of inserts up to 15 kb with high sensitivity and an error rate 4X lower than Taq DNA polymerase. Compatible with TA cloning Recommended for the amplification of longer targets up 15 kb with improved sensitivity and an ...

See the other products
Roche Sequencing Solutions
DNA polymerase reagent kit
DNA polymerase reagent kit

Storage temperature: -20 °C

Higher sensitivity and improved reaction efficiency across a broad range of amplicon sizes and GC contents* Reduced experimental variation and contamination with a convenient one-step qRT-PCR protocol* Optimized for versatility and ...

See the other products
Roche Sequencing Solutions
DNA polymerase reagent kit
DNA polymerase reagent kit
KAPA Mouse

Storage temperature: -20 °C

Robust performance, shorter cycling times, streamlined workflows and higher success rates across a wide variety of template types and amplicons* Reduced PCR cycling times and improved success rates streamline workflows for routine genotyping* High ...

See the other products
Roche Sequencing Solutions
solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

Storage temperature: -20 °C

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Overview KAPA Library Quantification Kits contain all the reagents needed for the accurate, reliable and reproducible qPCR-based quantification of next-generation ...

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Roche Sequencing Solutions
solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit
KAPA HyperPrep

... diagnostic procedures. Overview KAPA HyperPrep Kits offer a streamlined library preparation protocol that combines several enzymatic steps and eliminates bead cleanups to reduce library preparation time and improve ...

See the other products
Roche Sequencing Solutions
solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit
KAPA HyperExome

The KAPA HyperExome Probes are Roche’s brand new Whole Exome Sequencing solution, based on the next generation KAPA Target Enrichment Probe’s technology. Their design and technology provide broad, relevant database coverage and high sequencing ...

See the other products
Roche Sequencing Solutions
DNA polymerase reagent kit
DNA polymerase reagent kit

Storage temperature: -20 °C

Higher specific activity and processivity significantly reduces PCR cycling times by 50% without a loss in performance* Robust performance, shorter cycling times, streamlined workflows and higher success rates across a wide variety ...

See the other products
Roche Sequencing Solutions
DNA polymerase reagent kit
DNA polymerase reagent kit

Storage temperature: -20 °C

Higher sensitivity and improved reaction efficiency across a broad range of amplicon sizes and GC contents* Reduced experimental variation and contamination with a convenient one-step qRT-PCR protocol* Optimized for versatility and ...

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Roche Sequencing Solutions
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