Runner treadmills with underarm bars

1 company | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement4.length}}
{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
treadmill with handrails
treadmill with handrails
RUN 2011/TR

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 20 km/h

Width: 70 cm Lenght: 188 cm Height: 142 cm Weight: 145 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

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treadmill with handrails
treadmill with handrails
RUN 2011/TJ

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 20 km/h

Width: 70 cm Lenght: 188 cm Height: 142 cm Weight: 145 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

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treadmill with handrails
treadmill with handrails

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 20 km/h

Width: 105 cm Lenght: 210 cm Height: 150 cm Weight: 240 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

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treadmill with underarm bars
treadmill with underarm bars
RUN 7411/T-PC

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 25 km/h

Width: 80 cm Lenght: 260 cm Height: 150 cm Weight: 210 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

See the other products
treadmill with underarm bars
treadmill with underarm bars
RUN 7411/TR-PC

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 25 km/h

Width: 80 cm Lenght: 260 cm Height: 150 cm Weight: 210 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

See the other products
treadmill with underarm bars
treadmill with underarm bars
RUN 7411/TJ-PC

Maximum speed: 0.1 km/h - 25 km/h

Width: 80 cm Lenght: 260 cm Height: 150 cm Weight: 210 kgs Technical specifications: - 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux; - USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol); - ...

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