RWD straight scissors

1 company | 12 products
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surgery scissors
surgery scissors

The blade head is more narrow and thicker than the operation. It is mostly in the shape of a blunt circular arc.

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RWD Life Science
surgery scissors
surgery scissors

Blade width, thickness, length range 10-18cm for shearing dressings, animal epidermal tissues, or more rigid tissues.

See the other products
RWD Life Science
surgery scissors
surgery scissors

Blade width, thickness, length range 10-18cm for shearing dressings, animal epidermal tissues, or more rigid tissues.

See the other products
RWD Life Science
surgery scissors
surgery scissors

Blade width, thickness, length range 10-18cm for shearing dressings, animal epidermal tissues, or more rigid tissues.

See the other products
RWD Life Science
surgery scissors
surgery scissors

Blade width, thickness, length range 10-18cm for shearing dressings, animal epidermal tissues, or more rigid tissues.

See the other products
RWD Life Science
surgery scissors
surgery scissors

Blade width, thickness, length range 10-18cm for shearing dressings, animal epidermal tissues, or more rigid tissues.

See the other products
RWD Life Science
surgery scissors
surgery scissors

Blade width, thickness, length range 10-18cm for shearing dressings, animal epidermal tissues, or more rigid tissues.

See the other products
RWD Life Science
surgical scissors
surgical scissors

Mostly ophthalmic scissors, narrow and thin blades for shearing soft tissue, such as blood vessels, nerves, fat, liver, kidney, mucous membrane, etc.

See the other products
RWD Life Science
surgical scissors
surgical scissors

Mostly fine-cut, the blade is narrow and thin for shearing small soft tissues such as fine-trimmed blood vessels, nerves, or isolated tissue spaces in a microscopic operating environment. In addition, the commonly known iris shears are ...

See the other products
RWD Life Science
surgical scissors
surgical scissors

Mostly ophthalmic scissors, narrow and thin blades for shearing soft tissue, such as blood vessels, nerves, fat, liver, kidney, mucous membrane, etc.

See the other products
RWD Life Science
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