SANHE pigmented lesion treatment lasers

1 company | 6 products
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pigmented lesion treatment laser
pigmented lesion treatment laser
SP-1 500PS

Wavelength: 1,064, 532 nm

... Picosecond laser is an improved version of the Q-switched laser. In this version, the speed of the energy charged light beams emitted by the Picosecond lasers is 10 times faster than ...

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Beijing Sanhe Beauty
pigmented lesion treatment laser
pigmented lesion treatment laser
SP-5 2000PS

Wavelength: 532 nm - 1,064 nm

... pigmentation after treatment High energy & Short puise duration Minimal risk and less pain Suitable for All skin Type Technology: Therapy of epidermis and dermis pigmentation Utilizing the explosive effect of ...

See the other products
Beijing Sanhe Beauty
pigmented lesion treatment laser
pigmented lesion treatment laser
SP-3 2000PS

Wavelength: 650, 1,064, 585, 532 nm

... technology used by the Picosecond laser is an improved version of the Q-switched laser. In this version, the speed of the energy charged light beams emitted by the Picosecond lasers ...

See the other products
Beijing Sanhe Beauty
pigmented lesion treatment laser
pigmented lesion treatment laser

The machine uses DPL(Dye Pulsed Light) precision skin rejuvenation technology that is narrow-spectrum photo skin rejuvenation (DPL), it refers to a new optical skin rejuvenation technology, different from traditional technology (such ...

See the other products
Beijing Sanhe Beauty
hair removal laser
hair removal laser

Wavelength: 650 nm - 950 nm

DPL and IPL filter Machine ( DPL PLUS) Technology: Treat Acne, Rosacea, Pigmented and vascular lesions. Also reduce age spots through photorejuvenation. Optal Pulse Technology ( OPT ) controls pulse ...

See the other products
Beijing Sanhe Beauty
pigmented lesion treatment laser
pigmented lesion treatment laser
SP-3 2000PS

Wavelength: 532 nm - 1,064 nm

Pico second laser is the latest new generation technology for aesthetic use. Through trillions of a second and powerful laser energy to grind the pigment in the skin tissue to reach the result of completely ...

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Beijing Sanhe Beauty
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