Sigma Zentrifugen compact microcentrifuges

1 company | 6 products
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laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge

Speed: 200 rpm - 14,800 rpm
RCF max (g): 16,163 unit
Noise level: 54 dB

The compact Sigma 1‑14 centrifuge fits in every lab and fulfils the most stringent technical requirements. Its strong performance and large range of rotors are unique: Thanks to rotors for PCR strips, microhaematocrit ...

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Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH
refrigerated microcentrifuge
refrigerated microcentrifuge

Speed: 200 rpm - 15,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 16,602 unit
Noise level: 50, 49 dB

... effortlessly thanks to a motorised lid lock. Customers also appreciate the price/performance ratio. The Sigma 1‑14K is the most compact refrigerated centrifuge commercially available and easily achieves +4°C at maximum speed.

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Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH
laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge
Sigma 1-14 Think Pink Edition

Speed: 200 rpm - 14,800 rpm
RCF max (g): 16,163 unit
Noise level: 15, 12, 54 dB

... fight against breast cancer. The compact Sigma 1‑14 centrifuge fits in every lab and fulfils the most stringent technical requirements. Its strong performance and large range of rotors are unique. The microcentrifuge ...

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Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH
laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge

Speed: 200 rpm - 15,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 20,627 unit
Noise level: 59 dB

As the big sister of the Sigma 1‑14, the Sigma 1‑16 microcentrifuge stands out with its space-saving design, high-quality finishing and excellent performance characteristics. The extensive range includes rotors for ...

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Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH
laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge

Speed: 200 rpm - 15,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 20,627 unit
Noise level: 48 dB

As the big sister of the Sigma 1‑14K, the Sigma 1‑16K microcentrifuge stands out with its space-saving design, high-quality finishing and excellent performance characteristics. The extensive range includes rotors for ...

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Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH
laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge

Speed: 100 rpm - 4,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 2,486, 2,540 unit
Noise level: 54, 53 dB

The Sigma 2-7 compact benchtop centrifuge arose from the experiences and desires of our customers. It combines advanced technology with high capacity and sets standards for ergonomic operation and quiet running. What ...

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Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH
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