Ulrich medical contrast media injectors

1 company | 4 products
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CT scan contrast media injector
CT scan contrast media injector
CT motion™

The ulrichINJECT CT motion is used for the automatic administration of contrast media and saline solution during an examination via computed tomography (CT). -Simple and efficient to use -Cost-effective ...

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ulrich medical
CT scan contrast media injector
CT scan contrast media injector
CT motion™ SPICY

... motion SPICY is a version of the renowned CT motion contrast media injector from ulrich medical that has been enhanced with useful new functions. It is used for the automatic administration ...

See the other products
ulrich medical
MRI contrast media injector
MRI contrast media injector
Max 3™

The Max 3 provides automated, controlled administration of contrast media and saline solution as part of diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and PET MRI) examinations and contrast-enhanced ...

See the other products
ulrich medical
MRI contrast media injector
MRI contrast media injector
Max 2M™

The Max 2M provides automated, controlled administration of contrast media and saline solution as part of diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and PET MRI) examinations and contrast-enhanced ...

See the other products
ulrich medical
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