VAREX X-ray tubes

1 company | 9 products
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rotating anode X-ray tube
rotating anode X-ray tube
G series

Nominal anode input voltage: 12,000 W - 100,000 W
Nominal tube voltage: 150 kV

The G-1077 is a 4.25” (108 mm) 740 kJ (1.0 MHU) maximum anode heat content, rotating anode insert. This metal center section insert is designed for radiography, cineradiography, digital and film screen angiography procedures. The insert ...

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VAREX Imaging
rotating anode X-ray tube
rotating anode X-ray tube

Nominal anode input voltage: 18,000 W - 60,000 W
Nominal tube voltage: 125 kV

The G-1582BI is a 5.25” (133 mm) 1.1 MJ (1.5 MHU) maximum anode heat content, rotating anode insert. This metal center section insert is designed for radiography, cineradiography, digital and film screen angiography procedures. The ...

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VAREX Imaging
rotating anode X-ray tube
rotating anode X-ray tube

Nominal anode input voltage: 15,000 W - 112,000 W
Nominal tube voltage: 125, 150 kV

The G-1584TRI is a 5.25” (133 mm) 1.1 MJ (1.5 MHU) maximum anode heat content, rotating anode insert. This metal center section insert is designed for radiography, cineradiography, digital and film screen angiography procedures. The ...

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VAREX Imaging
rotating anode X-ray tube
rotating anode X-ray tube

Nominal anode input voltage: 14,000 W - 82,000 W
Nominal tube voltage: 125 kV

The G-2090TRI is a 5.0” (127 mm), 1,428 kJ (2.0 MHU) maximum anode heat content, rotating anode insert. This metal center section insert is designed for radiography, cineradiography, digital and fi lm screen angiography procedures. ...

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VAREX Imaging
rotating anode X-ray tube
rotating anode X-ray tube

Nominal anode input voltage: 33,000 W - 60,000 W
Nominal tube voltage: 140 kV

... tungsten-rhenium facing on molybdenum with a graphite backed target and is available with the following nominal focal spots: 0.7 x 0.8 1.2 x 1.4 IEC 60336 Maximum Anode Cooling Rate: 8,800 W ...

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VAREX Imaging
rotating anode X-ray tube
rotating anode X-ray tube

Nominal anode input voltage: 33,000 W - 80,000 W
Nominal tube voltage: 140 kV

... tungsten-rhenium facing on molybdenum with a graphite backed target and is available with the following nominal focal spots: 0.7 x 0.8 1.2 x 1.4 IEC 60336 Reference Axis: Perpendicular to port face. ...

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VAREX Imaging
rotating anode X-ray tube
rotating anode X-ray tube
A series

Nominal anode input voltage: 6,000 W - 100,000 W
Nominal tube voltage: 150 kV

The A-102 is a 2.8” (71mm) 222 kJ (300 kHU) maximum anode heat content, rotating anode insert. This insert is specifically designed for general radiographic and fluoro/spotfilm procedures. The insert features a 16° rhenium-tungsten ...

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VAREX Imaging
rotating anode X-ray tube
rotating anode X-ray tube

Nominal anode input voltage: 1,320 W - 4,900 W
Nominal tube voltage: 40 kV

The M-113R is a 3.0” (77 mm) 222 kJ (300 kHU) maximum anode heat content.The insert features a 10° and 16° biangular molybdenum alloy target and is available with the following nominal focal spots values: 0.1 (10°) - 0.3 (16°) IEC 60336 This ...

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VAREX Imaging
rotating anode X-ray tube
rotating anode X-ray tube

Nominal anode input voltage: 2,500 W - 9,900 W
Nominal tube voltage: 49 kV

The M-113T is a 3.0” (77 mm), 222 kJ (300 kHU) maximum anode heat content. The insert features a 10° and 16° biangular rhenium tungsten molybdenum target and is available with the following nominal focal spots: 0.1 (10°) - 0.3 (16°) IEC 60336

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VAREX Imaging
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