Varian linear particle accelerators

1 company | 4 products
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stereotactic radiosurgery linear particle accelerator
stereotactic radiosurgery linear particle accelerator

Optimization Tools SRS-specific optimization tools to optimize not only dose, but also treatment delivery in Eclipse™. Target Quality Metrics SRS- specific quality metrics are included within HyperArc™ to assist you in achieving ...

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Varian Oncology
intensity-modulated radiation therapy linear particle accelerator
intensity-modulated radiation therapy linear particle accelerator

The Halcyon system is accessible to all, will not compromise your needs, and provides configuration options to fit your clinic. With its simple, compact, and patient-centered technology, the Halcyon system allows clinicians to deliver ...

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Varian Oncology
image-guided radiation therapy linear particle accelerator
image-guided radiation therapy linear particle accelerator

Deliver precise dosage quickly and give patients their time back—the TrueBeam radiotherapy system is built with human needs in mind. Designed to treat cancer wherever it’s found in the body, it’s flexible enough to meet your clinical ...

See the other products
Varian Oncology
intensity-modulated radiation therapy linear particle accelerator
intensity-modulated radiation therapy linear particle accelerator

Enhance your capabilities and throughput for patients and easily customize your technology based on the specific needs of your clinic. Innovative beam generation Using the TrueBeam® platform’s patented technology, VitalBeam® can ...

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Varian Oncology
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