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- Laparoscopic stapler >
WASTON laparoscopic staplers
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Suture length: 60, 48.5 mm
Number of staples: 70, 88 unit
Staple height: 2.5, 3.5, 3.8, 4.1, 2 mm
Disposable Powered Endoscopic Cutter Stapler and Cartridge Applied to tissue transection, resection and anastomosis in thoracic surgery, abdominal surgery and gynecologic endoscopy. Indicate the direction of the ...
Waston medical
Stapler length: 277, 377, 477 mm
Suture length: 30, 45, 60 mm
Inscision length: 25, 40, 55 mm
Product Introduction Used in the tissue transection, resection and anastomosis of endosopic surgery, gynaecology, paediatricand chest surgery. ● The rotary knob of the joint rotates smoothly, steadyly and non sloshing. ● A more ...
Waston medical
Suture length: 60, 48.5 mm
Number of staples: 88, 70 unit
Staple height: 2, 2.5, 3.5, 3.8, 4.1 mm
Disposable Endoscopic Cutter Stapler and Cartridge - Applied to tissue transection, resection and anastomosis in thoracic surgery, abdominalsurgery and gynecologic endoscopy. - Indicate the direction of the blade ...
Waston medical
Suture length: 60, 48.5 mm
Number of staples: 88, 70 unit
Staple height: 4.1, 3.8, 3.5, 2.5, 2 mm
Disposable Endoscopic Cutter Stapler and Cartridge •Appliedto tissue transection, resection and anastomosis in thoracic surgery, abdominalsurgery and gynecologic endoscopy. •Indicatethe direction of the blade walking ...
Waston medical
Stapler length: 275, 305, 320 mm
Number of staples: 64, 88, 100 unit
Staple height: 3.8, 4.3 mm
Disposable Linear Cutter Stapler and Cartridge Applied to dissection, resection and suture of the digestive tract tissues of thestomach and intestines.
Waston medical
Stapler length: 255, 278, 315 mm
Inscision length: 60, 80, 100 mm
Number of staples: 64, 84, 104 unit
Disposable Linear Cutter Stapler and Cartridge ● Applied to dissection, resection and suture of the digestive tract tissues of thestomach and intestines.
Waston medical
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