Widex CIC hearing aids

1 company | 6 products
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CIC hearing aid
CIC hearing aid

The Widex Moment CIC-M sits snugly in the ear canal. This is a good choice for clients who prefer a hearing aid that goes unnoticed and is easy to operate. Your clients can use the Tonelink™ ...

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CIC hearing aid
CIC hearing aid

The Widex Moment CIC sits snugly in the ear canal. This is a good choice for clients who prefer a hearing aid that goes unnoticed and is easy to operate. Your clients can use a DEX device ...

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CIC hearing aid
CIC hearing aid

... easy-to-operate hearing aid that goes unnoticed, WIDEX EVOKE™ CIC sits snugly in the ear canal. Owners can use a DEX device or the TONELINK™ app to control programs and adjust their listening ...

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CIC hearing aid
CIC hearing aid
Evoke Micro

... most discreet, invisible-in-canal hearing aid, WIDEX EVOKE™ CIC-M combines the natural, effortless hearing of an intelligent solution with easy operation via the TONELINK™ ...

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CIC hearing aid
CIC hearing aid

The UNIQUE CIC and CIC MICRO hearing aids are among the smallest and best sounding CIC’s on the market. UNIQUE captures more sound than other hearing ...

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CIC hearing aid
CIC hearing aid
Unique Micro

The UNIQUE CIC MICRO is not just the best sounding hearing aid on the market but one of the smallest. Take a look for yourself at the image above and see how discreet CIC ...

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