- bioindicator
- sterilization bioindicator
- medical bioindicator
- healthcare facility bioindicator
- steam sterilization bioindicator
- temperature bioindicator
- laboratory bioindicator
- suction cannula
- injection cannula
- cannula
- straight cannula
- autoclavable cannula
- liposuction cannula
- lipofilling cannula
- human cannula
- cushion
- sterilization container
- sterilization basket
- sterilization tray
- foam cushion
- emergency scissors
- scissors
- dental spatula
- table
- cushion
- examination table
- electric table
- support
- foam cushion
- positioning cushion
- bedside table
- LED transilluminator
- transilluminator
- molecular imaging system
- fluorescence molecular imaging system
- automatic molecular imaging system
- gel documentation system
- DNA transilluminator
- protein molecular imaging system
- pressure regulator
- filter
- liquid filter
- control unit
- tubing
- switch
- medical gas pressure regulator
- laboratory filter
- compressor
- mucus suction pump
- filter
- surgical suction pump
- suction tube
- gas filter
- electric mucus suction pump
- electric surgical suction pump
- heat pump
- water chiller
- fan coil unit
- air handling unit
- reversible heat pump
- air/water heat pump
- water/water heat pump
- floor-mounted fan coil unit
- cleansing wipes
- disinfectant
- liquid disinfectant
- ammonium-based disinfectant
- hospital furniture disinfectant
- cleaner
- liquid cleaner
- surface cleaner
- web application
- medical web application
- management web application
- communication web application
- monitoring web application
- telemedicine web application
- web-based web application
- tablet PC web application
- interbody fusion cage
- shoulder prosthesis
- sample preparation system
- collection kit
- burr
- interspinous vertebral implant
- modular shoulder prosthesis
- spinal osteosynthesis unit
- skin and body treatment unit
- mesotherapy unit
- ultrasound lipolysis unit
- floor-mounted skin and body treatment unit
- microdermabrasion unit
- dermo-massage unit
- skin rejuvenation unit
- body contouring unit
- laser
- solid-state laser
- IPL system
- hair removal laser
- trolley-mounted laser
- tabletop laser
- trolley-mounted IPL system
- skin and body treatment unit
- evaporator
- anesthesia gas blender
- gas blender
- air gas blender
- medical gas blender
- oxygen gas blender
- nitrous oxide gas blender
- sevoflurane evaporator
- waste treatment system
- medical waste treatment system
- hospital waste treatment system
- waste treatment system with shredder
- microwave waste treatment system
- automatic waste treatment system
- lancet
- cotton swab
- test tube
- swab
- collection tube
- cylindrical test tube
- K3-EDTA collection tube
- K2-EDTA collection tube
- rapid test
- respirator
- rapid nasal test
- rapid virus test
- surgical mask
- rapid antigen test
- human rapid test
- rapid respiratory disease test
- surgical robot
- laparoscopic surgery robot
- surgeon robot
- thoracic surgery robot
- gynecological surgery robot
- colorectal surgery robot
- urological surgery robot
- multi-parameter monitor
- hemoglobin analyzer
- portable hemoglobin analyzer
- blood glucose meter
- medical iOS application
- iOS application
- non-invasive blood glucose meter
- patient monitor
- patient monitor
- ECG patient monitor
- module for multi-parameter monitor
- pediatric patient monitor
- anesthesia patient monitor
- patient monitor on casters
- NIBP patient monitor
- clinical patient monitor
- nurse call system
- sensor
- alert system
- hand-held alert system
- fall alert system
- lighting
- medical alert system
- wristband alert system
- test kit
- reagent
- plasma reagent
- lyophilized reagent
- liquid reagent
- protein test kit
- research test kit
- chromogenic test kit
- bed
- height-adjustable bed
- 3-section bed
- cushion
- seat cushion
- chair
- mattress
- dynamic air mattress
- shaker
- data-logger
- weighing system
- pressure data-logger
- humidity data-logger
- viscometer
- ultrasonic bath
- universal data-logger
- anatomical model
- eye anatomical model
- brain model
- tongue model
- larynx model
- pelvis model
- head model
- thorax model
- cochlear implant
- behind-the-ear processor cochlear implant
- internal component cochlear implant
- internal component bone conduction implant
- body-worn processor bone conduction implant
- pediatric cochlear implant
- adult cochlear implant
- bone conduction implant
- 1-channel syringe pump
- syringe pump
- volumetric infusion pump
- software
- medical software
- infusion pump
- management software
- adult infusion pump
- healthcare facility imager
- imager
- transport trolley
- trolley
- trolley with drawer
- software
- medical software
- pharmacy software
- cotton swab
- swab
- collection kit
- virus swab
- laboratory swab
- reagent
- sterile swab
- plasma reagent
- spirometer
- medical iOS application
- iOS application
- sensor
- monitoring iOS application
- control iOS application
- recording iOS application
- wireless sensor
- pump
- capping system
- filling and sealing machine
- dosing pump
- piston pump
- vial capping system
- conveyor repartition equipment
- checkweigher
- door
- swing door
- hospital door
- sliding door
- laboratory door
- transfer hatch
- clean room door
- clean room transfer hatch
- thermometer
- rack
- shaker
- photometer
- laboratory thermometer
- water distiller
- heating plate
- block heater
- thermometer
- microscope
- air flow meter
- flow meter
- variable-area flow meter
- oxygen flow meter
- optical microscope
- chromatography system
- catheter
- balloon catheter
- dilatation catheter
- valvuloplasty catheter
- cardiac catheter
- aortic catheter
- valve prosthesis
- aortic valve prosthesis
- prosthetic foot
- prosthetic liner
- cosmetic prosthesis
- software
- medical software
- prosthetic knee joint
- lower extremity prosthesis
- control software
- surgical navigation system
- workstation
- tongue depressor
- Collin speculum
- speculum
- examination table
- binocular loupe
- instrument kit
- chair
- armchair
- sofa
- chair with high backrest
- chair with armrests
- coffee table
- dining room chair
- healthcare facility chair
- catheter
- single-lumen catheter
- urological catheter
- reconstruction mesh
- ostomy bag
- penile prosthesis
- drainage catheter
- cosmetic implant
- protective cover
- instrument kit
- compact ultrasonic bath
- shaker
- forceps
- syringe
- burr
- dental scaler
- anatomical model
- tooth model
- training manikin
- dental handpiece
- patient simulator
- handpiece
- human patient simulator
- human anatomical model
- flow meter
- ECG module
- indirect calorimeter
- calorimeter
- monitoring system
- gas blender
- oxygen generator
- software
- scrubber-dryer
- walk-behind scrubber-dryer
- vacuum cleaner
- water purification system
- ride-on scrubber-dryer
- vacuum sweeper
- walk-behind burnisher
- burnisher
- hyperthermia system
- intraperitoneal hyperthermia system
- intravesical hyperthermia system
- thermometer
- fever thermometer
- non-contact thermometer
- forehead thermometer
- ear thermometer
- nebulizer
- thermometer with audible signal
- automatic blood pressure monitor
- central monitoring station
- multi-parameter monitor
- thermometer
- cuff
- fever thermometer
- forehead thermometer
- ear thermometer
- pulse oximeter
- calibrator
- radiation shielding screen
- radiation shielding
- chromatography system
- shower
- laboratory incubator
- waste container
- microbiological safety cabinet
- stethoscope
- dual-head stethoscope
- fetal doppler
- doppler
- doppler with heart rate monitor
- sphygmomanometer
- aneroid sphygmomanometer
- thermometer
- central fetal monitoring station
- central monitoring station
- fetal monitor
- multi-parameter monitor
- automatic hematology analyzer
- hematology analyzer
- compressor
- hospital bassinet
- protective cover
- laryngoscope blade
- Macintosh laryngoscope blade
- Miller laryngoscope blade
- laryngoscope handle
- instrument kit
- endotracheal tube
- medical mask
- protective cover
- cushion
- seat cushion
- fixation strap
- crutch
- height-adjustable crutch
- forearm crutch
- anti-decubitus cushion
- support
- software
- veterinary software
- control software
- X-ray tube
- wall-mount support
- floor-standing X-ray tube stand
- X-ray tube stand
- digital electromyograph
- electromyograph
- portable electromyograph
- hospital software
- software
- medical software
- transmitter
- calibration software
- table
- handling trolley
- storage cabinet
- laboratory cold room
- cold room
- refrigerator
- sink
- worktop
- stander
- electric wheelchair
- wheelchair
- folding wheelchair
- wheelchair with headrest
- shower chair
- stand-up wheelchair
- passive wheelchair
- massage table
- examination table
- stool
- examination chair
- electric examination chair
- height-adjustable stool
- hydraulic examination chair
- electro-hydraulic examination chair
- examination table
- grooming bathtub
- grooming table
- electric grooming table
- lifting grooming table
- rotating grooming table
- hydraulic grooming table
- veterinary grooming bathtub
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