- support
- air purifier
- stainless steel support
- wall-mount support
- laboratory air purifier
- UV air purifier
- dispenser
- wall-mounted dispenser
- vacuum therapy unit
- physiotherapy
- pressure therapy cuff
- pressure therapy unit
- trolley-mounted physiotherapy
- tabletop physiotherapy
- arm pressure therapy cuff
- leg pressure therapy cuff
- scrubber-dryer
- walk-behind scrubber-dryer
- ride-on scrubber-dryer
- vacuum sweeper
- ride-on vacuum sweeper
- healthcare facility vacuum sweeper
- walk-behind vacuum sweeper
- cushion
- seat cushion
- mattress
- dynamic air mattress
- alternating pressure mattress
- static air mattress
- foam mattress
- mattress overlay
- touch screen display
- display
- support arm
- keyboard
- washable keyboard
- medical panel PC
- USB keyboard
- wall-mounted support arm
- handle
- switch
- lock
- locker lock
- mechanical lock
- electronic lock
- combination lock
- hospital door handle
- automatic hematology analyzer
- hematology analyzer
- benchtop hematology analyzer
- electrical impedance hematology analyzer
- hematology analyzer with touchscreen
- flow cytometry hematology analyzer
- 29-parameter hematology analyzer
- 21-parameter hematology analyzer
- microbiological safety cabinet
- isolator
- class III isolator
- aseptic isolator
- isolator with HEPA filter
- negative pressure isolator
- laminar flow isolator
- flexible isolator
- centrifuge
- water softener
- oven
- dental laboratory oven
- ceramic oven
- dust suction unit
- pin drilling machine
- dental vibrator
- workstation
- light source
- endoscope light source
- LED light source
- digital camera
- stool
- gynecological examination chair
- examination chair
- microplate reader
- absorbance microplate reader
- cell culture microplate
- filter
- microbiological safety cabinet
- transilluminator
- pipette controller
- pipette
- C-arm
- X-ray table
- mobile C-arm
- mobile X-ray table
- C-arm with video column
- C-arm with flat panel detector
- height-adjustable X-ray table
- compressor
- water distiller
- suction system
- dental scaler
- ultrasonic dental scaler
- curing light
- apex locator
- dental unit
- catheter
- stent
- balloon catheter
- dilatation catheter
- coronary catheter
- urological catheter
- drug eluting catheter
- peripheral catheter
- chair
- stool
- surgical light
- dental stool
- height-adjustable chair
- curing light
- dental unit
- height-adjustable stool
- light source
- LED light source
- electrophoresis system
- portable light source
- compact light source
- fluorescent light source
- electrophoresis chamber
- compact electrophoresis system
- biochemistry analyzer
- test kit
- Western blot analyzer
- automatic biochemistry analyzer
- benchtop biochemistry analyzer
- reagent
- diagnostic reagent
- immunoglobulin test kit
- air purifier
- laboratory air purifier
- healthcare facility air purifier
- home use air purifier
- mobile air purifier
- test kit
- protective glasses
- respirator
- scrub cap
- surgical mask
- medical clothing
- waterproof surgical gown
- sterile surgical gown
- light source
- microscope
- laboratory microscope camera
- LED light source
- halogen light source
- digital camera
- phase contrast microscope
- optical microscope
- protective cover
- medical washer-disinfector
- automatic washer-disinfector
- compact ultrasonic bath
- water treatment system
- stool
- water distiller
- thermosealer
- medical clothing
- medical coat
- breathable medical clothing
- washable medical clothing
- scrub uniform
- unisex medical clothing
- L medical clothing
- M medical clothing
- respirator
- disposable respirator
- FFP2 respirator
- non-woven respirator
- breathable respirator
- half-mask respirator
- EN 149 respirator
- white respirator
- femoral stem
- knee prosthesis
- shoulder prosthesis
- acetabular prosthesis
- femoral head prosthesis
- acetabular reinforcement
- unicondylar knee prosthesis
- orthopedic screw
- oxygen therapy system
- laser
- electroporator
- solid-state laser
- IPL system
- hair removal laser
- tabletop laser
- table-top IPL system
- gynecological finger cot
- surgical drape
- disposable surgical drape
- orthopedic surgery drape
- latex gynecological finger cot
- bone densitometer
- DEXA bone densitometer
- fan beam bone densitometer
- pencil beam bone densitometer
- chair
- ergonomic chair
- electric wheelchair
- wheelchair
- height-adjustable chair
- rollator
- wheelchair with legrest
- reclining wheelchair
- flow meter
- pressure regulator
- transport trolley
- trolley
- stainless steel trolley
- control unit
- medical gas pressure regulator
- medical gas flow meter
- urinary flow meter
- digital urinary flow meter
- urinary flow meter with printer
- urinary flow meter with pelvic electromyography
- cushion
- seat cushion
- mattress
- foam mattress
- foam cushion
- transfer mattress
- wheelchair stairlift
- stairlift
- transfer chair
- evacuation sheet
- bariatric evacuation sheet
- evacuation chair
- folding evacuation chair
- outdoor transfer chair
- evacuation chair on casters
- stair climber
- skin analysis system
- skin elasticity analysis system
- skin pigmentation analysis system
- skin condition analysis system
- skin imaging system
- emergency ventilator
- CPAP ventilator
- ventilator
- non-invasive ventilator
- pneumatic ventilator
- electro-pneumatic ventilator
- electronic ventilator
- ventilator with touch screen
- examination table
- veterinary anesthesia workstation
- evaporator
- breathing circuit
- air flow meter
- flow meter
- oxygen flow meter
- IV pole
- laboratory incubator
- freezer
- ice maker
- refrigerator
- cabinet freezer
- mortuary cabinet
- 1-door freezer
- chest freezer
- digital camera
- software
- medical software
- management software
- camera
- alert system
- hand-held alert system
- medical alert system
- workstation
- refractometer ophthalmic examination
- ophthalmic workstation
- phoropter
- ophthalmic chart projector
- ophthalmic examination instrument
- chart monitor
- workstation with chair
- electric stimulator
- cushion
- massage table
- tilt table
- examination table
- foam cushion
- positioning cushion
- stool
- examination table
- stretcher
- folding stretcher
- operating table
- instrument table
- trolley
- veterinary operating table
- grooming bathtub
- light source
- microscope
- laboratory microscope camera
- video camera
- LED light source
- digital camera
- phase contrast microscope
- optical microscope
- keyboard
- washable keyboard
- disinfectable keyboard
- USB keyboard
- keyboard with touchpad
- LED-backlit keyboard
- backlit keyboard
- hygiene keyboard
- data management system
- medical imaging software
- software
- medical software
- information management system
- management system
- management software
- monitoring software
- forceps
- femoral stem
- knee prosthesis
- hip prosthesis
- shoulder prosthesis
- acetabular prosthesis
- digit joint implant
- humeral stem
- rehabilitation system
- adult rehabilitation system
- pediatric rehabilitation system
- computer-assisted rehabilitation system
- balance rehabilitation system
- gait rehabilitation system
- limbs mobility rehabilitation system
- hand mobility rehabilitation system
- suction cannula
- irrigation cannula
- surgery scissors
- forceps
- needle
- trocar
- monopolar forceps
- cannula
- forceps
- surgery retractor
- surgical light
- retractor
- skull clamp
- surgical clip
- cranial implant
- perforator
- pressure regulator
- oxygen pressure regulator
- ozone therapy unit
- medical gas pressure regulator
- autohemotherapy ozone therapy unit
- oncological treatment ozone therapy unit
- table-top ozone therapy unit
- transportable ozone therapy unit
- biopsy forceps
- surgery scissors
- forceps
- scissors
- grasping forceps
- fenestrated forceps
- laparoscopic scissors
- biliary biopsy forceps
- control unit
- switch
- medical switch
- touch switch
- actuator
- linear actuator
- electric actuator
- cable actuator
- ultrasound system
- urology ultrasound imaging system
- on-platform ultrasound system
- touchscreen ultrasound system
- B/W ultrasound system
- protective cover
- medical clothing
- surgical drape
- sterile surgical drape
- breathable surgical gown
- sterile surgical gown
- sterile medical clothing
- breathable medical clothing
- rapid test
- rapid stool test
- rapid blood test
- rapid hemoglobin test
- rapid colon cancer test
- rapid DNA analysis test
- rapid cancer test
- rapid protein test
- surgical navigation system
- instrument kit
- surgical power tool
- bone plate
- compression plate
- femoral stem
- knee prosthesis
- hip prosthesis
- flat panel detector
- medical imaging software
- software
- medical software
- portable flat panel detector
- management software
- radiography
- mobile radiography unit
- cushion
- seat cushion
- fixation strap
- mattress
- patient chair
- gel cushion
- body fixation strap
- turning sheet
- light source
- endoscope light source
- LED light source
- compact light source
- excitation light source
- microscope light source
- fluorescent light source
- stereo microscope light source
- intraocular lens
- monofocal intraocular lens
- astigmatism intraocular lens
- multifocal intraocular lens
- PMMA intraocular lens
- compressor
- inhalation chamber
- breathing circuit
- nebulizer compressor
- humidification chamber
- humidifier
- warming humidifier
- electronic humidifier
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