- lithotripter
- intracorporeal lithotripter
- extracorporeal lithotripter
- lithotripter with C-arm
- lithotripter with lithotripsy table
- trolley-mounted lithotripter
- table lithotripter
- ESWT unit
- incinerator
- waste incinerator
- medical incinerator
- hospital incinerator
- hazardous waste incinerator
- animal incinerator
- medical waste incinerator
- floor-standing incinerator
- incinerator
- mobile incinerator
- waste incinerator
- medical incinerator
- hospital incinerator
- animal waste incinerator
- hazardous waste incinerator
- laboratory waste incinerator
- surgical stapler
- disposable surgical stapler
- surgical stapler with absorbable staples
- standard surgical stapler
- skin closure surgical stapler
- patient lift
- patient lift on casters
- electric patient lift
- patient lift platform
- floor-mounted patient lift
- human patient lift
- stander
- electric stander
- patient lift
- patient lift on casters
- electric patient lift
- software
- medical software
- monitoring software
- crutch
- height-adjustable crutch
- forearm crutch
- walking stick
- mobility walker
- walking stick with offset handle
- 2-wheel mobility walker
- adult crutch
- heat therapy unit
- physiotherapy
- trolley-mounted physiotherapy
- tabletop physiotherapy
- tecar therapy unit
- mobile physiotherapy
- air sampler
- laboratory rack
- software
- medical software
- DNA extractor
- management software
- monitoring software
- test kit
- support
- stainless steel support
- wall-mount support
- mobile support
- modular support
- compact support
- laboratory incubator
- freezer
- refrigerator
- cabinet freezer
- built-in refrigerator
- 1-door freezer
- 1-door refrigerator
- cabinet refrigerator
- chair
- bench
- storage cabinet
- fume hood
- window
- security cabinet
- automatic window
- laboratory window
- test chamber
- freezer
- cabinet freezer
- 1-door freezer
- laboratory bath
- gas generator
- incubator drying oven
- laboratory test chamber
- dispenser
- hand sanitizer
- cleansing wipes
- sanitizing gel dispenser
- 250 mL hand sanitizer
- 50 mL hand sanitizer
- pack of 100 cleansing wipes
- cleaner
- storage cabinet
- vacuum pump
- fume hood
- waste bin
- clean room
- laminar flow fume hood
- laboratory fume hood
- cabinet
- radiation shielding screen
- radiation shielding
- radiation shielding curtain
- X-ray protective gloves
- X-ray protective surgical cap
- X-ray protective apron
- X-ray protective thyroid collar
- transfer board
- dust suction unit
- incinerator
- waste incinerator
- medical incinerator
- laboratory waste incinerator
- laboratory incinerator
- medical waste incinerator
- floor-standing incinerator
- angiography table
- operating table
- surgical sink
- surgical light
- orthopedy operating table
- universal operating table
- operating suite
- modular room
- data management system
- medical imaging software
- software
- medical software
- mammography software
- information management system
- management system
- management software
- medical imaging software
- hospital software
- software
- medical software
- surgery software
- management software
- monitoring software
- data management software
- central monitoring station
- multi-parameter monitor
- table
- electrocardiograph
- 12-channel electrocardiograph
- digital electrocardiograph
- anesthesia workstation
- central patient monitoring station
- central monitoring station
- examination table
- veterinary anesthesia workstation
- anesthesia ventilator
- stretcher trolley
- oxygen therapy system
- operating table
- electrosurgical unit
- biochemistry analyzer
- electrolyte analyzer
- urine analyzer
- semi-automatic urine analyzer
- automatic hematology analyzer
- hematology analyzer
- ESR analyzer
- microplate washer
- telemonitoring system
- cardiac telemonitoring system
- Bluetooth telemonitoring system
- portable telemonitoring system
- hemodialysis machine
- hemofilter
- hemodialysis concentrate
- filter
- liquid filter
- hemodialysis machine with hemodiafiltration
- plasma filter
- mobile hemodialysis machine
- blood glucose meter
- software
- management software
- iOS application
- telemonitoring software
- iOS management application
- data management software
- invasive blood glucose meter
- laboratory incubator
- software
- multi-chamber laboratory incubator
- monitoring software
- control software
- laboratory software
- benchtop laboratory incubator
- analysis software
- enteral feeding pump
- feeding pump
- filter
- syringe
- liquid filter
- infusion connector
- straight infusion connector
- injection syringe
- thermometer
- fever thermometer
- forehead thermometer
- infrared thermometer
- adult medical video endoscope
- medical video endoscope with speculum
- video otoscope
- video laryngoscope
- air purifier
- ozone air purifier
- UV air purifier
- clean room air purifier
- dental clinic air purifier
- dental laboratory air purifier
- healthcare facility air purifier
- compact air purifier
- catheter
- healthcare facility imager
- imager
- infusion connector
- coronary catheter
- peripheral catheter
- cardiac catheter
- access catheter
- near infrared spectroscopy system
- functional neuroimaging near infrared spectroscopy system
- pneumatic tube system
- hospital pneumatic tube system
- automatic pneumatic tube system
- laboratory pneumatic tube system
- shelf
- support
- manual resuscitator
- humidification chamber
- air flow meter
- flow meter
- variable-area flow meter
- oxygen flow meter
- test lung
- simulator
- breathing simulator
- monitoring simulator
- software
- medical software
- surgery software
- management software
- instrument kit
- bone plate
- compression plate
- suture anchor
- arthrodesis plate
- orthopedic screw
- compression bone screw
- bone substitute
- biochemistry analyzer
- puncture needle
- anesthesia needle
- needle
- spinal anesthesia needle
- lumbar puncture needle
- automatic biochemistry analyzer
- benchtop biochemistry analyzer
- surgical navigation system
- patient simulator
- human patient simulator
- head patient simulator
- surgery patient simulator
- dental surgery surgical navigation system
- optical surgical navigation system
- training patient simulator
- oxygen generator
- oxygen generator on casters
- medical oxygen generator
- PSA oxygen generator
- gas generator
- modular gas generator
- medical gas generator
- hydrogen generator
- intraoperative nerve monitoring
- tester
- medical device tester
- compact tester
- continuous tester
- oxygen tester
- intraoperative nerve monitoring system
- shelf
- lamp
- LED lamp
- IV pole
- bed head unit
- stainless steel shelf
- surgical light
- transport trolley
- table
- chair
- massage table
- hospital bassinet
- examination table
- X-ray film viewer
- 2-screen X-ray film viewer
- 1-screen X-ray film viewer
- laser
- solid-state laser
- hair removal laser
- trolley-mounted laser
- skin and body treatment unit
- trolley-mounted skin and body treatment unit
- aesthetic medicine laser
- mobile laser
- electrosurgical unit
- phacoemulsifier
- coagulation electrosurgical unit
- ophthalmic surgery instrument
- cutting electrosurgical unit
- ultrasonic scalpel
- general surgery electrosurgical unit
- laparoscopic surgery electrosurgical unit
- calibrator
- software
- medical software
- test software
- tester
- inspection system
- leak tester
- measurement software
- instrument kit
- medical kit
- curette
- surgery scissors
- forceps
- spreader
- needle holder
- surgery retractor
- multi-parameter monitor
- electrocardiograph
- 12-channel electrocardiograph
- 3-channel electrocardiograph
- digital electrocardiograph
- 6-channel electrocardiograph
- Holter monitor
- external defibrillator
- training manikin
- cardio-pulmonary reanimation training manikin
- training manikin torso
- human training manikin
- portable training manikin
- whole body training manikin
- emergency care training manikin
- artificial ventilation training manikin
- external defibrillator
- medical kit
- emergency kit
- manual external defibrillator
- emergency external defibrillator
- first aid medical kit
- human medical kit
- transport medical kit
- cushion
- seat cushion
- mattress overlay
- dynamic air mattress overlay
- positioning cushion
- heel protection
- cervical collar
- knee orthosis
- apex locator
- software
- orthodontic software
- analysis software
- planning software
- design software
- protective glasses
- endodontic file
- laboratory biosensor
- sensor
- temperature monitor and regulator
- temperature sensor
- implantable sensor
- laboratory sensor
- flow sensor
- miniature sensor
- surgical suction pump
- negative pressure wound therapy unit
- electric surgical suction pump
- minor surgery surgical suction pump
- electric negative pressure wound therapy unit
- microplate reader
- laboratory incubator
- media dispenser
- test tube
- PCR microplate
- thermal cycler
- sample preparation system
- laboratory automation system
- catheter
- stent
- guidewire
- access sheath
- urological catheter
- aspirating catheter
- ureteral access sheath
- catheter guidewire
- patient weighing scale
- electronic patient weighing scale
- weighing system
- medical patient weighing scale
- portable patient weighing scale
- patient weighing scale with rechargeable battery
- wheelchair patient weighing scale
- oxygen concentrator
- portable oxygen concentrator
- medical oxygen concentrator
- continuous flow oxygen concentrator
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