- air handling unit
- gas generator
- modular gas generator
- nitrogen generator
- air generator
- PSA gas generator
- oxygen generator
- modular air handling unit
- disinfectant sprayer
- electric disinfectant sprayer
- hand-held disinfectant sprayer
- portable disinfectant sprayer
- mist disinfectant sprayer
- dental hygiene disinfectant sprayer
- hypochlorous acid disinfectant sprayer
- aerosol aspirator
- light source
- binocular loupe
- light guide
- endoscope light source
- LED light source
- camera head
- portable light source
- compact light source
- instrument kit
- dental implant
- mucotome
- dental screwdriver
- software
- reporting software
- analysis software
- modeling software
- lamp
- LED lamp
- wall light
- LED wall light
- medical lamp
- portable lamp
- ceiling-mounted lamp
- lighting lamp
- microbiological safety cabinet
- synthesis platform
- shielded cell
- PET synthesis platform
- radiopharmacy shielded cell
- stainless steel shielded cell
- glove box
- floor-standing glove box
- mattress
- foam mattress
- blanket
- warming blanket
- isothermal blanket
- patient warming system
- medical blanket
- programmable blanket
- apheresis machine
- needle
- therapeutic apheresis machine
- bone substitute
- suction needle
- synthetic bone substitute
- allograft bone substitute
- malleable bone substitute
- thermometer
- fever thermometer
- forehead thermometer
- speculum
- Cusco speculum
- bag
- dermatoscope
- video camera
- exerciser
- electrosurgical unit
- debridement electrosurgical unit
- respiratory muscles exerciser
- ultrasonic scalpel
- thermometer
- fever thermometer
- forehead thermometer
- test kit
- infrared thermometer
- protective glasses
- respirator
- surgical mask
- mammography unit
- analog mammography unit
- C-arm
- mobile C-arm
- radiography
- mobile radiography unit
- standard mammography mammography unit
- radiography system with table
- apnea monitor
- patient monitor
- compact patient monitor
- tabletop patient monitor
- clinical patient monitor
- intensive care patient monitor
- vascular diagnostic patient monitor
- non-invasive patient monitor
- laser
- electrosurgical unit
- physiotherapy
- coagulation electrosurgical unit
- trolley-mounted laser
- trolley-mounted physiotherapy
- cutting electrosurgical unit
- skin and body treatment unit
- endoscope trolley
- transport trolley
- trolley
- trolley with drawer
- support arm
- medical support arm
- wall-mounted support arm
- electric trolley
- fixation strap
- emergency immobilizer
- transport trolley
- body fixation strap
- trolley
- evacuation sheet
- loading trolley
- emergency splint
- glove box sleeve
- isolator
- class III isolator
- aseptic isolator
- isolator with HEPA filter
- mobile isolator
- negative pressure isolator
- pharmaceutical isolator
- spectrometer
- proton therapy system
- medical kit
- monitoring system
- door
- swing door
- hospital door
- window
- dental material
- ceramic dental material
- resin dental material
- dental adhesive
- root post
- fiber root post
- composite dental material
- dental CAD/CAM material
- touch screen display
- display
- LCD display
- waterproof display
- high-definition display
- antibacterial display
- medical display
- full HD display
- electric stimulator
- laser
- heat therapy unit
- traction unit
- solid-state laser
- physical biostimulation laser
- physiotherapy
- EMS physiotherapy
- laser
- Nd:YAG laser
- alexandrite laser
- solid-state laser
- hair removal laser
- tabletop laser
- cryolipolysis unit
- skin and body treatment unit
- shaker
- dilutor
- air sampler
- sample preparation system
- calipers
- colony counter
- automatic colony counter
- sample preparation homogenizer
- catheter
- stent
- balloon catheter
- dilatation catheter
- coronary catheter
- arterial catheter
- drug eluting catheter
- peripheral catheter
- vaginal speculum
- speculum
- 1-channel syringe pump
- syringe pump
- laboratory incubator
- embryo transfer cannula
- ovocytarian puncture needle
- puncture needle
- laser
- pupillometer
- corneal topographer
- excimer laser
- software
- medical software
- preoperative planning software
- surgery software
- cleansing wipes
- disinfectant
- gel disinfectant
- liquid disinfectant
- 1000 mL disinfectant
- 500 mL disinfectant
- hospital furniture disinfectant
- floor disinfectant
- anatomical model
- skull model
- tooth model
- radiometer
- oven
- retractor
- vacuum pump
- suction system
- patient monitor
- ECG patient monitor
- module for multi-parameter monitor
- compact patient monitor
- tabletop patient monitor
- RESP patient monitor
- intensive care patient monitor
- patient monitor with touchscreen
- thermometer
- fever thermometer
- basal thermometer
- continuous thermometer
- Bluetooth thermometer
- axillary thermometer
- wearable thermometer
- waterproof thermometer
- multi-parameter monitor
- pulse oximeter
- EEG system
- electromyograph
- portable electromyograph
- data-logger
- pressure data-logger
- ECG electrode
- mirror
- rack
- surgery scissors
- needle holder
- scissors
- dental mirror handle
- dental mirror
- dental probe
- instrument kit
- shaker
- biopsy needle
- needle
- injection needle
- bone cement
- automatic biopsy needle
- breast localization needle
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