- wound care
- cotton wound dressing
- dental material
- ceramic dental material
- opaque dental material
- transparent dental material
- wax dental material
- white dental material
- simulator
- software
- medical software
- human simulator
- diagnostic software
- training software
- web-based software
- workstation simulator
- thermometer
- fever thermometer
- forehead thermometer
- cushion
- seat cushion
- cervical collar
- lumbar support belt
- knee orthosis
- digital camera
- camera head
- camera
- CMOS camera
- digital camera head
- CMOS camera head
- HD camera
- full HD camera
- electrolyte analyzer
- glycated hemoglobin analyzer
- blood glucose meter
- lancet
- safety lancet
- software
- medical software
- management software
- skin and body treatment unit
- trolley-mounted skin and body treatment unit
- dermo-massage unit
- skin rejuvenation unit
- mobile skin and body treatment unit
- body contouring unit
- electric stimulator
- pulse oximeter
- laser
- heat therapy unit
- solid-state laser
- physical biostimulation laser
- physiotherapy
- EMS physiotherapy
- light source
- binocular loupe
- endoscope light source
- LED light source
- digital camera
- camera head
- endoscope camera head
- caries detector
- X-ray tube
- X-ray generator
- multipurpose radiography X-ray generator
- multipurpose fluoroscopy X-ray generator
- rotating anode X-ray tube
- radiography X-ray generator
- standard radiography X-ray tube
- fluoroscopy X-ray tube
- simulator
- breathing simulator
- monitoring simulator
- human simulator
- simulator with touchscreen
- heart rate simulator
- chest simulator
- computerized simulator
- X-ray tube
- X-ray generator
- veterinary radiography system
- multipurpose radiography X-ray generator
- veterinary X-ray system
- digital veterinary radiography system
- fixed veterinary radiography system
- rotating anode X-ray tube
- bone plate
- compression plate
- intramedullary nail
- bone screw washer
- arthrodesis plate
- orthopedic screw
- osteotomy plate
- compression bone screw
- test tube
- swab
- laboratory inoculating loop
- inoculating loop
- Petri dish
- hospital software
- software
- medical software
- pulse oximeter
- compact pulse oximeter
- blood glucose meter
- walking stick
- tripod walking stick
- web application
- medical web application
- management web application
- X-ray tube
- rotating anode X-ray tube
- standard radiography X-ray tube
- fluoroscopy X-ray tube
- mammography X-ray tube
- CT scan X-ray tube
- proton therapy system
- test phantom
- laboratory cyclotron
- radiochemistry synthesis platform
- synthesis platform
- medical imaging software
- hospital software
- software
- microplate
- 96-well microplate
- diagnostic microplate
- immunoassay microplate
- reagent
- cytology reagent
- medium reagent
- cell culture reagent
- emergency ventilator
- CPAP ventilator
- hemodialysis machine
- portable hemodialysis machine
- portable ventilator
- ventilator
- non-invasive ventilator
- home care ventilator
- hyperbaric chamber
- multiplace hyperbaric chamber
- mobile hyperbaric chamber
- decompression hyperbaric chamber
- containerized hyperbaric chamber
- bone substitute
- xenograft bone substitute
- rigid bone substitute
- granules bone substitute
- orthopedic surgery bone substitute
- skull surgery bone substitute
- dental sugery bone substitute
- support
- waste container
- laboratory rack
- electrophoresis system
- collection kit
- container
- wall-mount support
- fastener system
- cushion
- seat cushion
- examination table
- foam cushion
- patient chair
- gel cushion
- stool
- examination chair
- infant radiant warmer
- phototherapy lamp
- infant phototherapy lamp
- blue light phototherapy lamp
- blanket type phototherapy lamp
- C-arm
- flat panel detector
- medical imaging software
- software
- veterinary software
- portable flat panel detector
- mobile C-arm
- radiography
- disinfection system
- steam cleaner
- ambulance disinfection system
- compact steam cleaner
- mobile disinfection system
- mist disinfection system
- automated disinfection system
- dry-mist disinfection system
- heat therapy unit
- IPL system
- physiotherapy
- trolley-mounted physiotherapy
- 1-channel physiotherapy
- trolley-mounted IPL system
- cryolipolysis unit
- ultrasound diathermy unit
- medical washer-disinfector
- compact washer-disinfector
- washer-disinfector
- dental washer-disinfector
- benchtop washer-disinfector
- hearing assessment system
- EEG system
- electromyograph
- portable electromyograph
- electromyograph with evoked potential monitoring
- computer-based electromyograph
- EEG system with polysomnography
- EEG system with mapping
- algorithm
- intraoperative radiation therapy system
- mobile intraoperative radiation therapy system
- analysis algorithm
- diagnostic algorithm
- handisport
- recumbent trike
- crank-propelled recumbent trike
- adult recumbent trike
- aluminum recumbent trike
- black recumbent trike
- red recumbent trike
- blue recumbent trike
- pipette controller
- pipette
- electronic pipette controller
- micropipette
- manual pipette
- electronic micropipette
- variable-volume pipette
- variable-volume micropipette
- respirator
- surgical mask
- gloves
- powder-free gloves
- non-sterile gloves
- nitrile gloves
- medical gloves
- hygiene gloves
- flat panel detector
- portable flat panel detector
- veterinary tomography system
- tomography system
- mobile tomography system
- compact tomography system
- CR scanner
- medical imaging PACS
- emergency ventilator
- transport ventilator
- CPAP ventilator
- ambulance
- transport ambulance
- intensive care ambulance
- stretcher
- folding stretcher
- multi-parameter monitor
- 1-channel syringe pump
- syringe pump
- volumetric infusion pump
- catheter
- central venous catheter
- infusion connector
- diagnostic catheter
- multi-parameter monitor
- compact multi-parameter monitor
- multi-parameter ECG monitor
- multi-parameter SpO2 monitor
- telemedicine cart
- telemedicine cart with ECG
- telemedicine cart with stethoscope
- multi-parameter TEMP monitor
- support arm
- medical support arm
- wall-mounted support arm
- ceiling-mounted support arm
- computer workstation
- dental support arm
- desk support arm
- articulated support arm
- microscope
- support
- dermatoscope
- optical microscope
- retinal camera
- digital microscope
- fluorescence microscope
- LED microscope
- stretcher trolley
- bedside table
- overbed table
- IV pole
- sofa-bed
- linen trolley
- overbed table on casters
- transport stretcher trolley
- bone densitometer
- DEXA bone densitometer
- mammography unit
- analog mammography unit
- C-arm
- flat panel detector
- portable flat panel detector
- mobile C-arm
- flat panel detector
- portable flat panel detector
- computer workstation
- CR scanner
- X-ray generator
- veterinary radiography system
- veterinary radiography flat panel detector
- veterinary radiography X-ray generator
- chromatography detector
- sensor
- pump
- valve
- laboratory pump
- refractive index chromatography detector
- pressure sensor
- dispensing pump
- biochemistry analyzer
- automatic urine analyzer
- urine analyzer
- portable urine analyzer
- immunoassay analyzer
- automatic hematology analyzer
- hematology analyzer
- coagulation analyzer
- instrument kit
- support
- burr
- dental implant
- dental screwdriver
- dental instrument support
- sinus elevator
- titanium dental implant
- physical capacity evaluation system
- portable physical capacity evaluation system
- posture evaluation system
- test kit
- rapid test
- rapid urine test
- rapid bacteria test
- rapid blood test
- rapid immunoassay test
- rapid serum test
- rapid infectious disease test
- rehabilitation system
- adult rehabilitation system
- pediatric rehabilitation system
- computer-assisted rehabilitation system
- robotic rehabilitation system
- hand mobility rehabilitation system
- arm mobility rehabilitation system
- wrist mobility rehabilitation system
- medical panel PC
- medical box PC
- Intel® Celeron® medical box PC
- Intel® Celeron® medical panel PC
- quad-core medical panel PC
- computer cart medical panel PC
- Intel® Core™ medical panel PC
- antibacterial medical panel PC
- electric wheelchair
- wheelchair
- folding wheelchair
- transfer chair
- grab bar
- toilet grab bar
- cleaning station
- reclining wheelchair
- biochemistry analyzer
- pulse oximeter
- blood glucose meter
- automatic biochemistry analyzer
- automatic blood pressure monitor
- arm blood pressure monitor
- portable blood pressure monitor
- blood pressure monitor
- bed
- 3-section bed
- armchair
- examination table
- X-ray film viewer
- 1-screen X-ray film viewer
- multi-screen X-ray film viewer
- mattress
- sheet
- waterproof sheet
- hygiene sheet
- disinfectant
- liquid disinfectant
- 750 mL disinfectant
- floors ans surface disinfectant
- washable sheet
- pulse oximeter
- test strip
- compact pulse oximeter
- patient weighing scale
- electronic patient weighing scale
- blood glucose meter
- weighing system
- collection kit
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