
About Us

ABILI, JSC is innovative company. Our goal is to help people improve their health and reduce injuries risk. We aim for this on the basis of the latest scientific studies and many years of experience, which allow to be health professionals and offer innovative products of the highest quality. We consult on issues related to the prevention of human movement, prevention of injuries and care of biomechanical testing. We believe that the best treatment and/or sport results are achieved only after the implementation of quality testing and individual training based on testing results.

We belong to the LTHEALTH cluster, which brings together companies working in the fields of health and medical services, treatment and injury prevention, manufacturing medical and rehabilitation equipment, technical aid for the disabled and patient care, developing specialized healthcare IT solutions.

ABILI, JSC since 2018 is certificated ‘Strongest in Lithuania’. The certificate confirms that a company is reliable, it’s economic condition and financial results are good, it’s effective activities contribute to the development of the Lithuanian economy and s fair business culture.

Our values

ABILI BALANCE offers balance analysis unique hardware and software solutions that allow to have a small in size and portable cable-free system which is simple, quick and safe to use for patients.

Balance testing can be done with both or just one leg on the platform in various positions and the feedback can be given during or after testing because the testing conditions can be configured wireless from a mobile device and gathered parameters are seen in real time. After examining both legs separately we can evaluate asymmetry.

ABILI BALANCE Analyzer can be combined with virtual reality for an all new and exciting balance training on an unstable platform.

Our International Locations