About Us
AQUILAB by Coexya is a French company specialized in the development of advanced solutions for quality control of Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy equipment and the assessment of radiotherapy treatments, as well as clinical data management.
With over 350 clients in France and internationally, we have become a major reference in the healthcare sector. Based in the North of France, the company has been committed for over 20 years to improving the quality of medical care, particularly in oncology, and continues to innovate to meet the needs of healthcare professionals.
Our values
Advancing cancer care through precise data insights and analytics
1/ Machine Quality Control
Centralization of your Quality Controls for your Radiotherapy and Imaging equipment.
2/ Imaging and Radiotherapy Platform for Clinical Trials
Collection, sharing, review, and analysis of your Imaging and Radiotherapy data in your clinical trials.
3/ Expand your knowledge
Providing a web contouring platform for conducting workshops or courses.