Bestech Technologies Co., Ltd
About Us
Started in 2008, Bestech has been 15years in the field of medical gas field as well nurse call field. As a professional company, we are not only a manufacturer but also a contractor as well as an exporter for various items related with medical gas system and nurse call system, we provide turnkey services to our global clients which spread in every corner of the world.
Our medical gas pipeline products are designed and fabricated in compliance with the latest HTM02-01 standards (superceded HTM2022), including Bed Head Unit (bed head console), Medical Pendant (ceiling supply unit), Medical Gas Outlet (gas terminal unit), Medical/Surgical/Dental Air Plant, Medical/Dental/AGSS Vacuum Plant, PSA Oxygen Generator, Cryogenic Liquid Oxygen Tank, Medical Gas Manifold, Area Valves Service Unit (AVSU), Medical Gas Alarm System (gas pressure monitor), Medical Copper Pipe/Copper Fittings, Lockable Line Valves, Oxygen Flow Meter with Humidifier, Medical Suction Unit, etc.
Our values
Our strong medical and industry knowledge in the medical gas field ensures that we can offer a comprehensive range of solutions to all kind of medical gas pipeline projects both domestically and internationally. We are geared toward providing value added solutions and services to our global clients.