Brain Navi Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

About Us

Brain Navi Biotechnology is the leading surgical robot company in Taiwan, focusing on developing innovative solutions to improve patient outcomes in neurosurgery. We are dedicated to making neurosurgical procedures more efficient, precise, and accessible. Our pioneering product, NaoTrac, is a state-of-the-art system that provides surgeons with a precision assistant robot that can navigate within the medical image by embedded with SMART Technology to achieve “real-time” surgery to improve the accuracy, streamline the surgical procedure and shorten the learning curves of the neurosurgeon. SMART (Surface Mapping Auto-registration Technology) Technology is the exclusive patented technology of Brain Navi Biotechnology. It merges machine vision, robotic technology, and AI Technology to achieve "real-time imaging", “precise surgery" and “minimal invasive outcome" during surgery.

Our values

Company Vision:

Make Surgery Precise, Make Life Bright

Company Vision:

We develop innovative navigation and robotic techniques for surgeons to improve accuracy, streamline surgical procedures and reduce learning curve.