About Us
CAMAG invents high-end instruments for High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) and supports its clients with analytical methods, training, technical services and analytical consultancy. Wherever complex substance mixtures are analyzed, HPTLC often is an excellent alternative to GC and HPLC or provides complementary information. Moreover, HPTLC has proven its value as a reliable quantitative analysis technique for the quality assurance of herbal medicines and dietary supplements, food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other industrial products. Since 1958, CAMAG is dedicated to the development and manufacturing of instruments, software and consumables for all steps of TLC and HPTLC. CAMAG products are truly Swiss Made and have an excellent reputation throughout the world.
Our values
To create value for our customers by providing instruments, analytical and diagnostic methods and training to analysts worldwide, to allow the direct analysis of diverse samples gained directly from complex matrices by means of instrumental High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) or of instrumental Dried Matrix Spot Extraction (DMS); successfully implemented in case the use of these methods produce the best possible analytical or diagnostic result, at a competitive price and leaves a satisfied customer. CAMAG creates, tests and produces all instruments solely in Switzerland - “SWISS MADE”, and provides them to its worldwide customers through its subsidiaries and dedicated distributors (more than 70).