About Us
Cardiomatics is a leader in the provision of world class ECG analytics to support cardiac care. We have created a certified SaaS platform based on artificial intelligence and cloud technology. Cardiomatics can analyze signals recorded in various data formats regardless of the length of the ECG recording and the number of ECG channels.
Our values
Our mission is to bring advanced cardiac diagnostics closer to patients by employing cloud and machine learning. Cardiomatics delivers accurate interpretation of ECG recordings and trusted, reliable reports.Cardiomatics is classified as a CE-marked medical device, harnessing algorithms that have analyzed more than 3.5 million hours of ECG recordings and generated hundreds of thousands of reports with 99,9 % positive feedback. The effectiveness of Cardiomatics algorithms has been validated in clinical trials and is trusted by the University of Basel, the University of Copenhagen or the Medical University of Warsaw and by hundreds cardiologists and practitioners from more than 15countries - e.g. Germany, Switzerland, England and Poland.