Group: Cefla Dental
About Us
History and style
Since 1935 Castellini has, through its dental units, shown a combined belief in tradition and technology. Elegance, utmost quality and careful attention paid to the many complex operative requirements are the values which form a basis for a concrete design culture.
The Castellini passion for dentistry is expressed by the style of its dental units. Castellini is keen to tell a new story - a story made up of innovation, style, Italian character and most importantly, reliability. Growth is a characteristic of every story; recognising and building on it is a plus. Today, Castellini is back to tell of how the company has grown, how it works in project research and how it combines values of tradition and innovation.
Our values
Assistance that adds value
Today, choosing a Castellini dental unit means you can count on assistance from expert personnel. Indeed, the after-sale period is no less important than the research that goes into creating the efficiency and quality for which Castellini dental units are renowned. That's why we ensure all our technical assistance personnel receive up-to-the-minute training and that spare parts are readily available. Castellini services add even greater value to the dentist's investment, ensuring the value of his/her decision extends far beyond the time of purchase. 24 h service: we're committed to providing rapid assistance, supplying all the necessary support to identify the cause of the problem and replace any faulty components within 48 hours.