About Us
Cisa Group is a global supplier of infection control systems with production plants in Italy and Brazil.
Founded in 1947, Cisa Group, together with Cisa America and Cisa Brasile, forms an international group that is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of washing, disinfection and sterilization technology for infection control for the healthcare and for life sciences industry.
Creating safer environments in hospitals, healthcare facilities and laboratory applications is a fundamental priority for the well-being of humans worldwide.
This is the commitment that drives Cisa to its claim: We care about life.
Cisa Group develops advanced infection control technologies for the safeguard of healthcare workers and the health of patients.
- Complete central sterilizing service departments for hospitals (CSSD)
- Sterilization for healthcare applications and clinics of all sizes
- Disinfection and washing technologies for different operational requirements
Cisa Group is the technology partner for scientists, researchers and engineers who develop life-enhancing products every day. Bridging Science and Life.
- Washing and sterilization technologies for laboratories and research centres
- Sterilization for pharmaceutical production
Cisa Group, with 15 years of experience in the treatment of infectious waste, provides ground breaking solutions safe, economical and carbon friendly. Cisa Group is leading the field with the invention of its Waste Sterilization Department (WSD®).
- WSD. Complete waste treatment department
- WSM. Plug and Play Sterili-Station
Over the years it has developed unique proprietary IT and energy saving systems.
Tracecare® .Traceability of the sterilization process for the reconditioning of surgical kits in CSSDs
TraceWaste. Traceability of the sterilization process for the treatment of infectious waste using Cisa WSD Waste sterilization departments
Our values
Cisa Group technologies comply with at least 6 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Cisa Service is dedicated to providing its clients with quality technical assistance in order to ensure the performance of Cisa sterilization solutions and the reliability of the sterilization process.
Cisa Campus aims at establishing and promoting culture and knowledge to prevent the spread of infection in healthcare and life sciences settings.
Cisa Research.Technological innovation is a process that affects every single component of Cisa Group’s technologies.
Cisa Group is part of Faper Group, leading Italian supplier of world-class, innovative engineering solutions.
The Group is inspired by its founder, Fabio Perini, and has based its success on the ability to combine invention and simplicity.
Faper Group was established in 2001 as a holding company dedicated to innovation in the fields of tissue paper converting, healthcare and real estate management.